Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Handelsoptionen Ira

ASK IRA: Will Hitze schauen, um weiter zu bremsen ihre Liste Q: Ich weigere mich zu glauben, Pat Riley wird nicht zu machen, einige weitere Moves jetzt, dass Buyout Saison begonnen hat. Ich weiß, dass jemand locker schütteln wird (Jared Sullinger) oder aus Übersee kommen (Jimmer Fredette), dass die Hitze sich stürzen und sie zu einem Stern wie keine anderen Teams entwickeln könnte. - Robert A: Um sich zu engagieren, muss die Hitze zuerst eine Rangliste eröffnen, und das kommt auf den Zeitpunkt ihrer Machenschaften mit Chris Bosh. Nachdem ich so lange gewartet habe, wäre es sinnvoll, dass die Hitze in dieser Hinsicht so gebraucht ist wie nötig. An einer Stelle dachte ich, dass es möglich war, dass die Hitze nach der Frist von Luke Babbitt weitergehen könnte. Stattdessen hat er sich als Starter für eines der heißesten Teams in der NBA herausgestellt und den Ton für den Freitags-Sieg in Atlanta mit seinen frühen 3-Zeigern eingestellt. Soweit die Vorstellung von einem Spieler für die Entwicklung, könnte ein Fall gemacht werden, dass die Hitze tun, dass in der D-League, mit der Sioux Falls Skyforce, sei es mit Keith Benson oder vielleicht mit Spielern vor kurzem hinzugefügt, um diese Liste wie Als Greg Whittington oder Johan Petro. F: Ich denke, Mike Scott wäre eine tolle Ergänzung zu diesem Heat-Team, ein athletischer, hochmoderner Kerl, der den 3-Ball treffen kann. Plus der Hitze ist bekannt für verjüngende Karriere. Ihre Gedanken - Tre, Abbeville, AL A: Scott ist seit 2013-14 auf einem Abwärtsbogen, als er durchschnittlich 9,6 Punkte erzielte. Und dann gibt es das, von der Berichterstattung über seine Handlung bis hin zu den Phoenix Suns, nach der Associated Press: quotScott steht immer noch Drogenkonsum aus einer Verhaftung am 30. Juli. Er war in einem SUV von seinem getrieben Bruder, der schließlich von Behörden in der Nähe von Atlanta nach Erreichen von Geschwindigkeiten von 99 Meilen pro Stunde gezogen wurde, sagen Sheriffs Beamte. Abgeordnete sagten, sie fanden eine Unze Marihuana und 10,9 Gramm MDNA, allgemein bekannt als Molly, im Fahrzeug. Scott wurde mit Besitz von Marihuana und Besitz eines Zeitplans I Droge aufgeladen. Der Fall ist noch anhängig mit kein Gericht Datum set. quot Mit anderen Worten, Scott könnte eine erweiterte Aussetzung auf der Grundlage der Ergebnis dieses Falles, möglicherweise sogar über eine ganze Saison. Wie es ist, ist er ein Tweener vorwärts ohne eine bestimmte Frontcourt Position. Senden Sie Ihre Frage Senden Sie Ihre Fragen an Heat Beat Schriftsteller Ira Winderman und überprüfen Sie seine Antworten hier. Füllen Sie mein Online-Formular aus. Geben Sie Ihre Fragen an Heat Beat Schriftsteller Ira Winderman und überprüfen Sie seine Antworten hier. Füllen Sie mein Online-Formular aus. Q: Hey Ira, mit Magic Johnson, der jetzt die Show in LA läuft, könntest du Pat Riley in der Offseason sehen, die bei ihrem Lotterie-geschützten Top 3 einen Swap für Hassan Whiteside und Miamis First-Runder mit einer Möglichkeit der Absorption macht Entweder Luol Deng oder Timofey Mozgovs Vertrag - Amos, Orlando. A: Das ist viel zu schlucken und sicherlich weit vor der Kurve. Zuerst bin ich nicht sicher, dass die Riley-Johnson-Verbindung notwendigerweise Angebote erleichtern wird. Aber du machst einen größeren Punkt, und das ist zu warten, um zu wissen, wo Draft Picks fallen wird, bevor sie Geschäfte machen. Sobald die Lotterie vorbei ist, vorausgesetzt, sie machen nicht die Playoffs, wird die Hitze nicht nur die Platzierung ihrer Entwürfe wählen, sondern auch die der Balance der Liga. Dann, wenn Riley einen Entwurfs-bezogenen Deal machen möchte, hätte er ein weitaus größeres Gefühl für die Position, die er anvisieren könnte, und deshalb auch die Position kennen, die er sich leisten konnte Mit so viel Qualität in diesem Jahr Entwurf, denke ich, das ist unter den Gründen, dass so wenige Picks wurden in der Frist behandelt. Die hüpfenden Bälle im Lotterie-Trichter werden wahrscheinlich bestimmen, wo sich die Teams als nächstes wenden werden, wenn es darum geht, die Trades im Offseason vor dem Entwurf wieder aufzunehmen. F: Es scheint nicht, wie Pat Riley einen Plan für die Zukunft hat. Der Rest der Liga hilft nur LeBron James, mehr Titel zu gewinnen. Warum sollte die Hitze nur ein achter Samen sein - Jeffrey. F: Was ist der Grund, warum keine Bewegungen vor Handelsschluss für zukünftige Vermögenswerte getätigt wurden Es ist eine sichere Sache, dass andere Teams für James Johnson oder Dion Waiters für mindestens eine zweite Runde gegangen wäre. Bitte sagen Sie mir, dass Hitze nicht die Kellner und Johnson im nächsten Jahr überbezahlen wird, wobei alle Kappen von Chris Boshs Vertrag genommen werden. - Alex, Miami. F: Ich bin froh, dass die Hitze keine dummen Züge macht. Ich würde lieber auf Dion-Kellner und James Johnson festhalten und eine Chance nutzen, dass die Hitze sie zu vernünftigen Verträgen unterzeichnen kann, anstatt sie für einen zweiten Runder oder sogar einen späten Erstkönner wegzugeben, den man für Bargeld kaufen kann Tag. - David F: So will niemand Dion Waiters oder James Johnson und sollte sich über die Unterzeichnung dieser Jungs zu langfristigen Angeboten rund 10 Millionen pro - Joel begeistern. Q: Jetzt kann Pat Riley Kellner und James Johnson - Aura überbezahlen. A: Nun, das sammelt den Querschnitt, der am Tag der Heiße empfangen wurde, alles, wie die Hitze so niedrig sein sollte, wie die Hitze jetzt bei ihren Verleihern in der freien Agentur groß sein sollte. Erstens, wenn die Hitze hätte eine qualitativ hochwertige First-Round-Pick für entweder Kellner oder Johnson (oder sogar Wayne Ellington oder Willie Reed), Im sicher, dass ein solcher Schritt gemacht worden wäre. Es gab zu viele intelligente Köpfe in diesem Raum, um die Gelegenheit zu umgehen, um zurückzuholen, was vorher ausgegeben worden war. Aber zweitens ist es wahrscheinlicher, dass es nichts von Wert zu haben, da es nicht wie wenn andere Teams an der Unterseite des Playoff-Rennens nicht ähnliche Vermögenswerte zu verkaufen haben. Von den oben genannten Fragen, ist diejenige, die die faszinierendste ist, dass es vielleicht nicht so viel kosten wie prognostiziert, um Kellner und Johnson zu behalten, dass vielleicht der Markt in einer Weise am Donnerstag sprach, dass die Hitze Hoffnung gab, den größten Teil dieses Kerns zu behalten Immer noch etwas anderes leisten können Natürlich gibt es auch den Counter über Pat Riley, der so sehr von diesen Spielern spricht, dass sie jetzt erwarten, das Geld gezeigt zu werden. Q: Statt eines Blowups des aktuellen Teams, was ist mit einem gesunden Team von Goran Dragic, Dion Waiters, Justise Winslow, Hassan Whiteside, beginnend mit James Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Willie Reed, Rodney McGruder und Wayne Ellington aus der Bank Wenn du Blake Griffin zur Startaufstellung und einem echten Backup-Point-Guard (Briante Weber) hinzufügst, wo würde das Team in der Eastern Conference - Gary, Juno Beach stehen. A: Es würde nirgendwo hingehen, denn es wäre ein Fantasy-Team, das nicht unter der Gehaltskappe arbeitet. Wenn Sie James Johnson und Kellner zu ihrem wahrscheinlichen Marktwert im Juli neu zu unterzeichnen, geben Sie Reed die Lohnschub hes verdient, und abholen Ellingtons Spieler Option, würden Sie praktisch aus der Kappe Platz, geschweige denn positioniert, um eine max zu unterzeichnen Freie Agent in der 25 Millionen bis 30 Millionen Reichweite. Es ist entweder ein externer Max-Agent (wenn das überhaupt möglich ist oder WaitersJohnson, und erinnern Sie sich, dass der Hitze-Wiederaufbau in diesem Sommer kommen muss, solange Tyler Johnson auf der Rangliste ist, mit seiner Kappe, die sich in der Abwehr von 2018 aufgrund der Struktur verdreifacht Von seinem Vertrag Q: Die Miami Heat hatte niemand in der Rising Stars Spiel, niemand auf All-Star Samstag und kein All-Star. Ist dieses Team braucht mehr Motivation - Luchey A: Eigentlich, was die Hitze benötigt Ist das, was sie bekommen haben, die Zeit von der Konstanten, die die Tabellen zu dekomprimieren, und Sie könnten in den Verlusten den 76ers und den Netzen erzählen, dass sie etwas mit Dämpfen laufen ließen, sogar mit dem starken Kick gegen die Rockets Steigt deutlich, wenn sie mit dem Back-to-Back-Set dieses Wochenende am Freitagabend in Atlanta und dann nach Hause Samstag Nacht gegen Indiana zurückkehren. Müdigkeit kann nicht mehr eine Entschuldigung sein, denn so viel die Spiele waren im vergangenen Monat wichtig, sie werden es auch bedeuten Mehr über diese letzten zwei Monate der Saison, wenn Playoffs sind das Ziel. F: Woher kommt die Hitze mit Handelsschluss hier, nehmen sie die Vorteile, um sich in Trades zu engagieren, während ihre Spieler ihren Wert verbessern und Vermögenswerte davon abrufen oder den Heat-Handel für einen Spieler, der ihnen helfen kann, einen Playoff-Push zu machen - Eldridge , Parra, Philippinen. A: Ich glaube, es gibt einen Weg, um beide zu tun. Wenn die Hitze irgendetwas von Entwurfsqualität für Dion-Kellner bekommen kann, vielleicht von einem der Mannschaften, das bei der Landung Lou Williams nicht erfolgreich war, konnten sie dann nach dem 1. März auf den Buyout-Markt warten, um einen Ersatz zu finden, sobald sich ein Spielplatz befindet Nach dem Chris Bosh Machenschaften. Wie es ist, muss die Hitze Minuten für Josh Richardson finden, der bis zum Freitagsspiel in Atlanta in die Kellnerrolle eindringen konnte. Dann, wenn die Hitze im Playoff-Rennen bleibt, könnten sie einen Spieler hinzufügen, der vielleicht von einem anderen Team zum Trading-Termin (Marcus Thonton) gequetscht wird, oder sogar ein Spieler, der aus Übersee zurückkehrt (Jimmer Fredette). Mit anderen Worten, auch wenn Kellner (oder Wayne Ellington oder James Johnson) bewegt wird, gibt es einen Weg, innerhalb von Tagen, um einen Ersatz zu sichern, vielleicht mit der 1,3 Millionen behinderten Spieler Ausnahme die Hitze halten bis 10. März für Justise Winslows Schulter Chirurgie. F: Es wäre ein großer Fehler, an Kellner und James Johnson zu hängen. Es sei denn, die Hitze bekommt eine Vereinbarung von ihnen, um die Mid-Level-Ausnahme zu nehmen, wird Pat Riley mindestens eine jetzt für nichts verlieren. Das haben wir schon bei Joe Johnson und Luol Deng gesehen. Tragen Sie mindestens einen von ihnen jetzt und konzentrieren Sie Ihre Energie auf die Landung ein quotwhalequot in der Nebensaison. - Gabriel, Miami. A: Es kommt auf das, was sie bekommen könnten. Für mich, wenn Sie irgendwann einen Playoff-Push entgleisen möchten, müsste es entweder für irgendeine Art von First-Round-Pick (auch wenn geschützt, auch wenn auf der Straße) oder ein Paket von Second-Round-Picks (was dann könnte Als quotsweetenersquot für andere potenzielle Angebote auf der Straße genutzt werden). F: Wenn die Hitze schneiden Josh McRoberts am Handelsschluss wäre sie verantwortlich für sein Gehalt nächste Saison - Carl, Kapaa, Hawaii. A: Ja, weshalb es höchst unwahrscheinlich ist, dass die Hitze einen Abnehmer für McRoberts zum Handelsschluss finden kann. Es ist eine Sache zu handeln, um auf den Gehalt zu kommen und steuerlich vor dem Spiel zu kommen. Es ist ein weiteres, mit McRoberts 6 Millionen Spieler Option für die nächste Saison gesattelt werden, es sei denn, Sie bleiben von der Hoffnung, dass die Verletzungen schließlich vermieden werden können. Das wahrscheinlichste Ergebnis ist die Nutzung der Stretch-Versorgung in der Offseason mit McRoberts 2017-18 Gehalt, wodurch in der Lage, das verbleibende Gehalt über drei Jahreszeiten, um die jährliche (und 2017 Offseason) Gehalt Hit zu minimieren. Q: Ira, irgendwelche Gedanken über die Lakers bewegen Putting Magic Johnson verantwortlich und jede Chance er und Pat Riley hook up in ein Jahr oder zwei in Los Angeles - Douglas. Q: Jede Chance, dass Magic Johnson versucht, Pat Riley von der Heat - Marc zu befreien. A: Für mich sind das zwei verschiedene Fragen. Erstens, im Wesentlichen sein eigener Chef für zwei Jahrzehnte mit der Hitze gewesen, bezweifle ich Pat würde unter jedem arbeiten, wenn es um Personal geht. Aber ich konnte sehen, dass Pat schließlich in etwas näher rückte, was Jerry West mit den Graubären und vor allem jetzt mit den Kriegern anhielt, wo er als Berater arbeiten kann, wenn er für die größeren Bewegungen nötig ist, aber nicht damit zu tun hat Die tägliche Mühe des Personals. Vielleicht könnte eine solche Rolle mit der Hitze kommen, mit Andy Elisburg, Nick Arison und Shane Battier, die die täglichen Personalfragen behandeln. Oder vielleicht könnte es in Los Angeles mit den Lakers passieren, sitzen in der Executive Suite im Staples Center und bieten Ratschläge für Magic, wenn sie konsultiert oder fasziniert sind. Der Gedanke war schon einmal von Pat, der an einem Punkt zurück nach Los Angeles zurückkehrte. So wird die Frage, ob es eine zweikanalige Beziehung mit der Hitze oder etwas näher zu Hause mit den Lakers. Ich würde erwarten, dass Riley das Problem irgendwann bald ansprechen wird, um seinen Ansatz nicht zu beeinflussen, wenn es darum geht, freie Agenten in die Offseason zu bringen. Q: Jede Chance Heat bringt Briante Weber zurück, wenn der Golden State ihn gehen lässt - Wajih. A: Nun, das erwies sich als der Ansatz der letzten Saison, als Weber 10-Tage-Zeit mit den Grizzlies nach dem Verlassen der Heats D-League Affiliate, und dann wieder in die Hitze für das Ende der Saison und Playoffs. Aber für jetzt, Figur auf jeder Liste Hinzufügen bleibt in der Warteschleife bis nach donnerstags NBA Trading Deadline und wahrscheinlich nicht bis die Hitze klar Chris Boshs Rangliste irgendwann im März oder danach. F: Wenn es irgendeinen Markt für James Johnson, Dion Waiters oder Willie Reed gibt, dann müssen wir diesen Deal machen, auch wenn es nur ein Zweitrunder ist. Diese Jungs sind bevorstehende freie Agenten und waren keine Konkurrenten, also warum sollten wir diese Gelegenheit nicht nutzen, um ein paar Picks, die helfen können, wenn sie wollen, hier zu sein, können sie wiederkommen. Ich sehe das als Aroldis ChapmanYankees Situation. - Jazz A: Und ich hätte kein Problem mit einem solchen Ansatz. Das Ziel, ich bin sicher, wäre eine erste Runde Auswahl für Johnson oder Kellner, aber während Ive sicherlich genossen diese Wiederbelebung, ich schätze, dass dies auch über die Zukunft bleibt. Wenn solch ein Deal oder Deals herunterkommen, würde ich die Hitzeperspektive akzeptieren. Es sei denn, es gab natürlich Rückkanalgespräche mit den Agenten für Johnson und Kellner über mögliche Kompromisse, wenn es zu dieser kostenlosen Agentur kommen würde. Q: Paging Pat Riley Paging Pat Riley Wo sind Sie Die Pelikane verpflichteten den Raub. Hat Pat sogar das Telefon abgeholt Bitte, sag mir nicht, er denkt, dass Hassan Whiteside in der DeMarcus Cousins ​​Klasse ist. Die Pelikane verpflichteten den Raub und die Tatsache, dass Boogie nicht für die Hitze spielt, sagt mir, dass Pat nicht versucht hat. Auch ohne Zugentwürfe konnte Pat es abziehen. - Eric A: Sagt, wer die Hitze war nicht in der Lage, an diesem Punkt, um ihre 2017 erste Runde Pick und konnte nicht handeln ein bis 2023, wegen der NBAs Regel verboten den Handel von sukzessiven ersten Runde Picks. Darüber hinaus, wer soll sagen, dass die Könige begehrten irgendwelche der Hitze junge Spieler wie sie begehrten Buddy Hield Wurden sie Justise Winslow genommen Es scheint, Vlade Divac wurde auf Hields Scoring-Potenzial fixiert. Ich weiß, nach dem Gespräch mit Leuten während des Heats-Besuchs in Sacramento, dass die Könige kein Interesse daran hatten, Hassan zu ernten. Also egal was Pat Riley über Cousins ​​vs. Whiteside denkt. Dieser Teil der Gleichung ist moot. Was ich nicht ganz verstand, war die Könige, um sich zu verhandeln. Mit der starken Möglichkeit der Hitze, die schließlich eine bessere Erstrunde holte, die die Pelikane, die Hitze hätte einen Spieler für die Könige entworfen und dann diesen Spieler sofort nach dem Entwurf (das erlaubt) ausgeteilt. Vieles davon kommt auf den Umgang mit einer Entität, die so irrational ist wie das Kings-Frontbüro. Ich würde schockiert sein - schockiert - wenn die Hitze nicht versuchte, irgendwann in der Diskussion über Cousins ​​zu engagieren. Das ist eine Hitze Spezialität, Auferstehen Karriere. F: Sollten wir für Matt Barnes - Adrian gehen. A: Nicht passend Ja, er könnte ein mögliches Upgrade über Rodney McGruder sein, aber worum es geht, ist auch die Zukunft zu sichern. So gewinnt die Jugend in dieser Gleichung. Und während die Hitze Fähigkeiten zum Wiederaufleben wurden oben erwähnt, das ist mehr im Einklang mit einem jungen Spieler und Wiederbelebung einer Karriere. Ich kann einfach nicht sehen, dieses Team auf diesem Niveau des Dramas und eine Zeit wie diese. Q: Die Angebote sind da. Nicht mit Picks schmerzt. - Juan A: Kaufen Sie müssen auch Perspektive hinzufügen, wo diese Picks ging. Sie gingen zu den Sonnen zu einer Zeit die Hitze hatte Dwyane Wade und Chris Bosh und suchten die perfekte Ergänzung bei Punktschützer. Und Sie können einen Fall machen, dass, wenn Bosh gesund blieb, diese beiden erstklassigen Picks kombiniert hätte nicht jemand so produktiv wie Goran Dragic nachgeben. Für all die Bestürzung darüber, wo die Hitze stehen und ihre begrenzten Vermögenswerte, nicht aus den Augen verlieren die Realität, dass ihre am höchsten bezahlten Spieler wurde von lebensbedrohlichen Blutgerinnsel sidelined, während zu diesem Punkt auf die Gehaltsobergrenze verbleiben. Was das Leben für die Hitze kompliziert hat, ist nicht so viel wie die beiden ersten Runden, die als All-Star-Power-Forward verloren gehen. Nehmen Sie den höchstbezahlten Spieler aus jeder Liste und dann was würden die Teams Vermögenswerte aussehen wie Q: Paul George Jimmy Butler DeMarcus Cousins ​​Pat Riley Handel für alle drei von ihnen, rechts - Trevon. A: Setzen Sie den Sarkasmus beiseite, ich bin mir nicht sicher, was die Hitze zu bieten hätte, denn die meisten Teams, die einen Stern bewegen, neigen dazu, Teams zu sein, die wieder aufbauen wollen. Und wenn es um Entwürfe geht, können nur die Brooklyn Netze weniger zu bieten haben, wenn man bedenkt, dass die beiden potenziellen Lotterie die Hitze die Sonne für Goran Dragic schulden. Wie für diejenigen, die Sie erwähnt haben: Die Pacers versuchen, George zu erweitern, nicht ihn zu tauschen (und während George vielleicht nicht im Augenblick empfänglich ist, hat Geld eine Möglichkeit, irgendwann zu reden). Butler, wenn gehandelt, wie geht zu einem Team mit Oodles von Draft Picks (wie die Celtics). Und Cousins ​​wurde bereits behandelt. Selbst wenn die Hitze bereit war, Hassan Whiteside oder Goran Dragic ins Spiel zu bringen, bin ich nicht sicher, dass es gleichbedeutendes Ersatz-Talent zur Verfügung steht. Q: Würde jemand auf dieser Rangliste (neben Goran Dragic und Hassan Whiteside) einen Erstkönner für den kommenden Entwurf liefern. So viel wie ich liebe, James Johnson zu sehen, konnte er nicht zu einem Kandidaten für eine späte Erstauswahl als Miete umgedreht werden Dann hätten wir in diesem tiefen Entwurf zwei Mid-to-Low-Picks, die für etwas Besseres verpackt werden könnten (oder ein paar gute junge Spieler zu entwickeln). Dann, wenn James es wirklich in Miami mag (und erkennt, wie Erik Spoelstra ihm die Gelegenheit gab, sein Spiel zu öffnen), konnte er im nächsten Jahr als freier Agent zurückkommen, wenn auch mit etwas höherem Preisschild. - Ryan, Gainesville. A: Wie ich in meiner Sonntagsspalte zwei Wochen zurück schrieb, sagte ein langjähriger NBA-Pfadfinder, dass er sich nicht vorstellen könnte, dass die Hitze in der Lage ist, eine erste Runde zu platzieren (für diese Saison, eine zukünftige Saison oder Lotterie-geschützt) für Entweder Johnson und Kellner. Nun, bewilligt, das war vor Johnson und Kellner trieb diesen Lauf von 14 Siegen in der Heats letzten 16 Spiele. Aber ich glaube nicht, dass ein solches Angebot dort sein würde. Aber auch wenn es so ist, ist die Verpackung von Picks in der Mitte der ersten Runde selten ein Startpunkt für etwas Besseres, wie die Celtics versagten gambit, um solche Selektionen zu verpacken und bis zum Entwurf von Justise Winslow im Jahr 2015 zu gehen. Q: Grundsätzlich Indem du Chris Boshs Cap Platz für die nächste Saison bekommst, denkst du, dass die Hitze Blake Griffin überzeugen kann (er scheint der wahrscheinlichste Superstar, um sein Team zu verlassen), dass Teaming mit Hassan Whiteside und Goran Dragic ist genug, um die Hitze ein Kandidat zu machen Wenn dies der Verkaufspunkt ist, dann gewinnen so viele Spiele wie möglich mit Dragic und Whiteside führen den Weg sollte die Heats Schwerpunkt. Das heißt, wir sollten nicht James Jamesson oder Dion Waiters handeln. - Doug, Placentia, Calif A: Zu deinem ersten Punkt, nur ein völliger Playoff-Zusammenbruch durch die Clippers ist wahrscheinlich, Griffin frei zu schütteln. Und selbst dann macht die Paarung mit Whiteside und Dragic (wenn auch in der Eastern Conference) mehr Sinn als bei DeAndre Jordan und Chris Paul zu bleiben. Ihr zweiter Punkt ist noch wichtiger. Ich glaube, es gibt etwas zu sagen über die Rekrutierung in der freien Agentur von einem besseren Ort in der Gesamtwertung, irgendwo näher an .500 als aus einer Tier in der Mitte der Lotterie. Das ist, wo dieser Push noch Dividenden für die Hitze geben könnte. Q: Ich frage mich oft, warum Erik Spoelstra nur Wayne Ellington in einem Spiel für ein paar Minuten in fast jedem Spiel hält. Sie haben endlich den 3-Punkte-Shooter, der sehr zuverlässig zu sein scheint. - Larry, Tamarac A: Erstens, vor seinen 15 Minuten in Houston in der Heats letzten Spiel, hatte Wayne mindestens 21 in jedem der letzten vier Spiele gespielt. So ist es nicht so, als ob es einen Glaubensverlust gegeben hätte. Aber was es gibt, ist ein Backcourt, der zur Gesundheit zurückkehrt, mit Tyler Johnson und Dion Waiters zurück, und Josh Richardson bald zurückzukehren. Was Erik Spoelstra über seine Coaching-Amtszeit gezeigt hat, ist eine Vorliebe für eine Talente von seinen Spielern, anstatt sich auf 3-Punkt-Spezialisten zu verlassen. Das ist unter den Gründen, in denen James Jones in seinen Hitze-Minuten begrenzt war, und konnte abwickeln, was zu demselben eventuellen Schicksal für Ellington führte, es sei denn, der Heat-Backcourt wird zum Handelsschluss verdünnt. Ansonsten, Goran Dragic, Kellner, Johnson und Richardson auch Figur, um mehr wichtige Minuten vorwärts als Ellington zu erhalten. F: Wie kann MC in der Basketball Hall of Fame ohne T - Nicky sein. A: Die Referenz, zu den Uneingeweihten, ist die Warriors Run TMC Kombination der Mitte der 90er Jahre von Mitch Richmond, Chris Mullin und Tim Hardaway, mit Richmond und Mullin beide bereits in der Halle, mit Hardaway noch einmal ein Finalist für Induktion. Es ist interessant, wie im Laufe der Jahre Teams in die Halle aufgenommen wurden, mit Run TMC Transformational in seinem eigenen Recht, Art einer Drei-Mann-Erweiterung der Showtime Lakers. Basierend auf Hardaway, der mit den Kriegern und der Hitze vorwärts geht, fühlt es sich an, als ob es seine Zeit sein sollte. Und ich bin mir sicher in diesen dazwischen liegenden Wochen viel von Richmond und Mullin zu hören. Q: Ira, Josh Richardson sollte kurz nach der All-Star-Pause zurück sein. Muss man nicht bald verzichten oder gehandelt werden Wo gehe ich falsch - Gabriel, Miami. A: Diese Bewegung wurde effektiv gemacht, mit freitags Ablauf von Marcus Georges-Hunts 10-Tage-Vertrag. Das hat die Heat-Liste zurück an der NBA-Grenze von 15, nicht mehr mit einer Rangliste Ausnahme für verletzte Spieler hinzugefügt. Es wird schließlich eine andere Rangliste gelöscht, sobald Bosh verzichtet wird. Plus, wie oben erwähnt, könnte die Liste auch potenziell verdünnt werden donnerstags NBA Handelsschluss. Q: Wissend, dass Draft-Picks nicht immer trainieren (zB Michael Beasley) und sehen keine freien Agenten verfügbar diese Offseason, die ich denke, würde uns wettbewerbsfähig mit Cleveland und Golden State (Entschuldigungen für die oft verletzten Blake Griffin), wo denkst du? Pat Rileys Mentalität ist gerade jetzt in Bezug auf die schnelle Wiederherstellung Ich weiß, dass er immer auf der Suche nach einem quotwhale ist, aber der einzige Spieler, den ich als potenziell verfügbar, dass ein Unterschied machen kann, ist Jimmy Butler aus Chicago. Hes ein All-Star, ein hartnäckiger Miami HeatPat Riley Spieler auf einem vernünftigen Vertrag, und jemand, den ich fühle, würde auf ein Team im Wettbewerb um eine Meisterschaft passen. Was sind deine Gedanken - Robert, Miami. A: Ein paar Dinge, die ich hier gerne anfassen möchte: Zuerst denke ich, dass jeder NBA-Chef mit einem Team an der Unterseite der Gesamtwertung kurzsichtig ist, zumindest wenn es um echte Meisterschaftskonkurrenz geht. Es braucht Zeit, um ein Team zu sichern. Das tut es einfach Ich verstehe, dass Pat Riley diese Aura geschaffen hat, wo er groß denken muss, aber nachhaltige Exzellenz kommt mit nachhaltigem Wachstum. Das bedeutet, dass junge Spieler ihren Weg finden können, neue Spieler, um sich an die Kultur anzupassen. Zweitens, und ich weiß, es gab viel Jimmy Butler Spekulation: Was könnte die Hitze möglicherweise haben, um die Bulls zu überzeugen, Butler zu bewegen Um einen Stern zu landen, müssen Sie einen Stern umgehen. Ja, die Hitze gehandelt Volumen für Shaquille ONeal, aber Im nicht sicher, dass die aktuelle Hitze etwas vergleichbar mit dem Paket an L. A. geschickt hat für Shaq, die Lamar Odom, Caron Butler und Brian Grant enthalten. Was würden die entsprechenden Stücke aus dieser Jahreszeit sein Heat: Winslow, Tyler Johnson und Goran Dragic oder Hassan Whiteside Entschuldigung, aber Lotterie oder Lotterie, gibt es keine schnellen Korrekturen, auch für einen schnellen Fixierer. Hallo, Ira. Warum hat die Hitze so viele Draft-Picks aufgegeben, als sie LeBron James und Chris Bosh als freie Agenten unterschrieben haben, ich weiß, dass es schon seit einiger Zeit seit 2010 war, aber diese Draft-Picks konnten hilfreich sein. - David, Orlando A: Zuerst wurde die Dept in vollem Umfang bezahlt, so dass diese Picks nicht mehr im Spiel gewesen wäre. Aber es ist derselbe Grund, warum die Hitze zwei potenzielle Lotterie-Picks für Goran Dragic aufgegeben hat - um den Moment zu ergreifen. Und die Hitze hatte ihre Momente mit Jakobus und Bosh und wandte sich auf, Bosh auf lange Sicht zu halten. Es wird interessant sein, vorwärts zu gehen, mit erstklassigen Picks, die noch wertvoller werden, ob Riley (oder sein Nachfolger) den Ansatz ändern wird. Aber wieder, wie in der oben genannten Frage, wenn Sie sich entscheiden, im Moment zu leben, manchmal bedeutet es, die Zukunft zu verpfänden. Und schließlich kommt die Zukunft an, und die Rechnungen müssen bezahlt werden. F: Wird die Hitze jemals handeln oder freigeben Josh McRoberts Wenn ja, wann und wie bald - Alex, Ogden, Utah. A: Nicht so lange wie er diese 6-Millionen-Spieler-Option für 2017-18 hat. Wenn die Hitze nicht in der Lage ist, ihn zu tauschen, und wenn sie zusätzlichen Platz benötigen, würde das wahrscheinlichste Ergebnis auf McRoberts in der Offseason verzichten und die Ausbreitung des Ausgleichs von seinem Vertrag, um den 2017-18 Gehalt-Cap-Hit zu erleichtern. Q: Sicher zu sichern, dass Pat Rileys Ersatz im Gebäude ist - Chris. F: Ist Shane Battier schnell zu verfolgen, um ein Cheftrainer zu werden - Mark. F: Ich liebe, dass Riley seinen ehemaligen Spielern treu ist. - Olivia A: Die Heats-Einstellung von Battier in einer analytischen Rolle ist eher der erste Schritt zu einer herrschenden Post-Riley-Front-Trojaner von Shane Battier, Andy Elisburg und Nick Arison. Es würde die Hitze mit dem Spieler Einblick von Battier, die Business-of-Basketball-Scharfsinn von Elisburg und die finanzielle Richtung von Nick Arison. Basierend auf dem Shanes-Ansatz für das Spiel, würde er weit mehr daran interessiert sein, die Analytik zu schwitzen, als einen Schweiß auf dem Übungsgericht wie ein Juwan Howard oder Chris Quinn zu arbeiten. Die Beziehung Battier hat mit der Arison-Familie Termine zu seinen Herzog-Bindungen gehabt, und es schien fast unvermeidlich zu sein, dass, wenn der Riley-Einfluß zurücktreten würde, der Herzog-Einfluß zunehmen würde, wenn auch nicht mit Mike Krzyzewski, wie man zunächst postulierte. Und doch, für diejenigen, die dies als den Anfang eines Endspiels mit Riley sehen, Im nicht so sicher, dass er jemals ganz weg von dem Spiel gehen wollte. Aber ich konnte sehen, wie Pat in eine Jerry-West-Rolle überging, um dort zu rekrutieren, wenn nötig, aber nicht mit der täglichen Mühe des Frontbüros zu tun haben. Und das hat auch das verdient. Q: Glaubst du, der Grund der Grund, warum die Heat Marcus Georges-Hunt unterschrieb, werden sie versuchen, Josh Richardson zum NBA-Handelsschluss zu bewegen - Trevon. F: Während ich nichts ausmachen würde und irgendjemand, wenn es darum geht, potenzielle Hitze bewegt, ist der Umzug mit Georges-Hunt mehr im Einklang mit der Hitze, die sich so viel institutionelles Wissen wie viele Perspektiven wie möglich bietet. Während Georges-Hunt während des 10-tägigen Vertrages niemals mit der Hitze ins Spiel kam, gab es noch genügend Zeit in der Turnhalle, um die Fähigkeiten und die Persönlichkeit für die Zukunft zu beurteilen. Es dauert oft einen Spieler mehrere Bisse am Heat-Beispiel vor einem Durchbruch, mit Rodney McGruder das perfekte Beispiel. Ob es mit der Hitze, Celtics, D-League oder anderswo ist, man kann sicher sein, dass Marcus auf dem Heat-Radar bleiben wird. F: Also, wenn die Hitze Chris Bosh am 1. März oder danach verzichtet, werden sie sein Gehalt von den Büchern in diesem Moment haben, um in der Lage zu sein, andere verzichtete Spieler mit einem höheren Gehalt zu unterzeichnen, als vielleicht andere Vereine können - Martin. A: Ja, das werden sie, was eine faszinierende Torsion sein könnte, um vielleicht den Handelsschluss zu sitzen und zu warten, auf welche Spieler verzichtet werden könnte. Natürlich, weil diese Situation so einzigartig ist, gibt es keinen endgültigen Zeitplan, wann dieser potenzielle Cap-Raum frei werden könnte. Denken Sie daran, die Regel ist, dass ein Spieler Playoff förderfähig ist, solange er von seinem Team bis zum 1. März verzichtet wird (Spieler, die nicht in der NBA in dieser Saison kann jederzeit unterzeichnet werden vor dem Ende der regulären Saison, um Playoff förderfähig sein, Wie Spieler, die in Übersee gespielt haben). Also, ja, es könnten einige Spieler am 23. Februar verhandelt werden, die sich bis zum 1. März befreien. Und wenn man Bosh in diesem Zeitraum verzichtet, würde die Hitze daher einen Rang vor Ort eröffnen. Q: Josh Richardson und Justise Winslow sollten die einzigen Heatspieler sein, die zum Handelsschluss gesperrt sind (mit Ausnahme von, wenn es einen Stern gibt). Alle anderen sollten auf dem Tisch sein. - Chris A: Es war ein Punkt, wo ich damit einverstanden war, und in gewissem Grade noch etwas tun. Mit dieser Art von Rekord, auch mittwochs beeindruckende Anstrengung in Houston, müssen Sie offen für alles und alles. Aber das heißt, ich glaube auch, dass sich die Landschaft mit den Siegen verändert hat, die die Hitze aus der Prime-Lotterie-Immobilien bewegt haben. Mein anfängliches Denken war, dass die Lotterie fast sicherlich auf einem Point Guard verwendet werden sollte, sei es Markelle Fultz, Lonzo Ball oder Dennis Smith. Allerdings erscheint jetzt die Hitze, die über die Reichweite eines dieser Spieler hinauswählt. Aus diesem Grund glaube ich, dass Goran Dragic sich in die Zukunft dieser Franchise verankert haben könnte, vielleicht macht er sich selbst unberührbar, noch mehr als Hassan Whiteside, basierend auf der Richtung, in der die NBA offensiv geht. (Frage: Würdest du in diesem Augenblick sogar nach dem, was wir gegen die Rockets gesehen haben, Whiteside für DeMarcus Cousins ​​handeln.) Für Richardson und Winslow glaube ich kaum, dass sie unerschütterlich sind, vor allem im Zuge der Hitze, die ihren besten Ball spielt Die Saison mit beiden sidelined. F: Glaubst du, die Hitze hat noch einen festen Schuss auf die Playoffs - Joel, Tampa. A: Ich erinnere mich nicht immer so weit wie quotsolid shot. quot Ich glaube in der Tat, es wird näher an einem tossup, basierend auf einem Hitze verbleibenden Zeitplan, dass drei Spiele gegen die Kavaliere und zwei ein Stück gegen die Raptoren und Zauberer links . Ich hätte mich sehr wohl gefühlt, wenn es irgendwelche Spiele gab, die gegen die Netze verbleiben. Bei 25-32 musste die Hitze 13-12 die Balance der Saison zu schließen bei 38-44, die die nackt-minimale Schnittlinie für die Playoffs im Osten erscheint zu gehen. Aber selbst dann, mit so vielen Mannschaften, die in der konkurrierenden Packung gebündelt wurden, würden Tiebreakers ins Spiel kommen, und diese Verluste an den Kolben, Bucks, Bulls und Hornets könnten weh tun. Also ich denke, der sichere Cutoff könnte näher an 41-41 sein, was 16-9 erfordern würde. Und das könnte einen Sieg oder zwei gegen die Kavaliere oder gestützte Raptoren erfordern. Q: Mit so viel Fan Interesse an Trades, sollten Sie einen Wettbewerb zu starten: Name That Trade. Der Gewinner, der den eigentlichen Handel korrekt identifiziert, der Hitze macht (wenn überhaupt) ein T-Shirt mit deinem Quoten-Iraquot-Bild darauf und wird von dir signiert. Die kreativen Einreichungen sollten überwältigend sein. - Jack, Fort Myers. A: Erstens, Im ziemlich sicher, wie ein T-Shirt wäre als obszön in den meisten öffentlichen Veranstaltungsorten. Darüber hinaus haben Sie keine Ahnung, wie viele Handelsgerüchte, Vorschläge, Berichte kommen auf diese Weise (auch nach beeindruckenden Siegen wie Mittwoch Nacht). Wie bei meiner allgemeinen Berichterstattung neige ich dazu, sie alle zu entlassen oder zu ignorieren, weil wir einfach nicht wissen, was die Mannschaften wissen, aber wissen, dass es viele Leute da draußen gibt, entweder in der Nähe der Spieler oder Teams, mit Tagesordnungen. Ich glaube die Wahrheit vieler Berichte, wenn es darum geht, von einer der beiden Seiten zu interessieren. Aber es dauert zwei zu handeln. Die Präferenz hier bleibt also eher auf den potentiellen Wert eines Außenspielers auf die Hitze oder den Wert, den ein Heat-Spieler an anderer Stelle haben könnte. Q: Ira, are you telling me that the Heat could not do better for Serge Ibaka than Terrence Ross and a first-round pick in the 20s What happened to Trader Pat -- Steve. A: Thats exactly what Im telling you, because Im also not sure that the Heat wanted to do better than that for a player who is an impending free agent and whose chronological age might be a bit more advanced than his listed age. First, the Heat did not have a draft pick to offer, unable to trade their 2017 first-round pick because of the possibility of their 2018 first-round pick being due to the Suns from the Goran Dragic trade. Also, Im not sure if anyone in the Heats secondary class of players (beyond Hassan Whiteside and Dragic) was enticing enough, let alone enough of a salary-cap fit. And it became clear that Justise Winslow was simply too promising to move. Beyond that, Tyler Johnson has the right to block any trade until July. So youre basically then down to Josh Richardson. Was Serge Ibaka enticing to Pat Riley Certainly, for basketball and for cap reasons. But it comes down what youre comfortably willing to offer in return. Q: Ira, I was at the game and saw Hassan Whitesides teammates yelling at him over his lack of effort. His motor is non-existent and he sticks out like a sore thumb on the floor with Rodney McGruder and Tyler Johnson and James Johnson. Now that he has a guaranteed four-year contract how do the Heat extract the effort from Hassan -- Jeffrey, Fort Lauderdale. A: First, whether you want to accept it or not, quotmotorquot is like any other skill, be it 3-point shooting, shot-blocking or ballhandling. Some players have it, some players dont. The Heat have mostly been blessed, and searched for players with such aggression. That is not who Hassan Whiteside has been during his time with the team before he signed his four-year, 98 million deal, and likely wont be on a game-by-game basis now that he is financially secure. I dont think the contract has anything to do with it. What will have a lot to do with it going forward is the ability of the Heat coaching staff to keep Hassan as engaged for as long and as often as possible. Remember, a year ago he was being played off the bench in favor of Amare Stoudemire, in what sure seemed like a teaching moment. The Heat know exactly what they have in Hassan. The ongoing issue is what they choose to and can make of him, because he certainly has his own set of unique and rare NBA skills. Q: Do you think that the Heat will bounce back from this current two-game slide With a tough game at the hands of Houston on Wednesday and then eight days off we could potentially be heading into All-Star week with a three-game losing streak. -- Kyle. A: Playing the Rockets in Houston, after beating the Rockets at AmericanAirlines Arena makes this, in my book, as much of a challenge as anything the Heat faced during their 13-game winning streak. So, yes, the Heat could emerge from the All-Star break nine games under .500. The question then becomes whether Pat Riley comes to view this as a team likely to not be good enough to muster a .500 final record, or as a team still on the cusp of a playoff spot. And that can be dangerous, very dangerous, assessing your team in terms of the failures of others. Thats what made the losses to the 76ers and Magic so disheartening. They changed the reality of what could be and now what likely will be. Is 38-44 and playoffs actually meaningful if it comes down to that Q: Ira, was Dwyane Wades interview with the Vertical basically an, quotI was wrong for leavingquot admission -- Rob, Lake Worth. A: That has been the sentiment from the moment he parted with Pat Riley and the Heat in July. Again, as expressed before in this space, had Wade and Riley given the process another 48 or 72 hours, I think both would have recognized the need to persevere with the partnership. But Im still not sure how Dwyane could possibly get back to South Florida next season, no matter what the Bulls do with their roster. As with last summer, the Heats salary-cap resources have to be utilized in a forward-thinking matter. With Tyler Johnsons salary to increase exponentially for 2018-19, this summer has to be the Heats summer of destiny for years to come. The entire purpose of the Heats approach with Wade last summer was to protect cap flexibility for this summer. This is not the point that nostalgia can get in the way. And if you listened close to the podcast, Wade also expressed how his children had acclimated to being back around family in Chicago. So this could transcend both money and basketball. Q: Is Serge Ibaka worth our 20-year-old -- A. F. A: Its interesting the more people I floated that notion toward before Mondays game, the more that glanced back as if I was out of my mind. And thats the thing, Justise Winslow is still 20 and has still only had one true season of NBA experience. Thats a lot to give up on at this stage for a player who is not a game-changer. Im not sure Justise will be a game changer, either, but there still is enough low-cost time to find out. Q: Why does Luke Babbitt play -- Andy. A: Um, because of the threat of 3-point spacing Or perhaps because why break up a good thing during the winning streak Or maybe because there simply is not another legitimate option that still allows James Johnson to thrive in his sixth-man role off the bench. So the greater question is: If not Babbitt, then who Justise Winslow and Josh McRoberts are out. Derrick Williams has been traded. And Willie Reed is not a complement to Hassan Whiteside. So youre essentially asking if it would be better to start Okaro White. Does that significantly change the equation Q: A Josh McRoberts and Winslow trade for Serge Ibaka works money wise. -- Taylor, Christiansburg, Va. A: Thats not the reason I downplayed the permutation yesterday. My emphasis was that the Magic gave up Victor Oladipo and the draft rights to No. 11 2016 first-round pick Domantas Sabonis, as well as functional power forward Ersan Ilyasova (an eventual trade chip for the Thunder) in exchange for Ibaka. Therefore, I would find it difficult to fathom that less than a year later the Magic would cash that all in for what essentially only would be Winslow, a player who will miss the balance of this season following shoulder surgery. Now, if you throw in Tyler Johnson or Josh Richardson and the necessary filler, that could at least serve the Magics purposes. Obviously, the most tangible targets for the Magic would be Goran Dragic or Hassan Whiteside, but not only do you run risks with Ibakas expiring contract and impending free agency, but Im not sure an argument could be made that Ibaka would have more value to the Heat than Whiteside or Dragic going forward. (What makes Ibakas 18.4 million cap hold so tempting, is that you could then keep Dragic and Whiteside, re-sign Ibaka at the back end of free agency, and then also have the cap cash to retain James Johnson or even Dion Waiters, if all goes as planned when it comes to reclaiming Chris Boshs cap space.) Q: I think the team is set at point guard with Goran Dragic, with Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson as backups. -- Gerard, Paraguay. A: If youve read my postgame blogs, you can probably tell that I disagree. While I can appreciate Johnson as a combo guard, Im still not sold on him as a primary ballhandler. Opponents routinely challenge his ballhandling and the Heat offense tends to bog down until a secondary playmaker takes over the possession, be it James Johnson or Dion Waiters. In fact, Im not sure if the Heat arent somewhat retarding Tyler Johnsons growth when they play him as the primary ballhander. It was, of course, easier when Justise Winslow or Josh McRoberts were also available to facilitate from the frontcourt. But if these recent weeks and recent games have been a trial run, then it should open the Heats eyes to Tyler Johnsons best fit going forward. Q: Ira, is the tank back on -- Y. S.B. Q: At this rate, you wonder how much the Heat will have left in the tank come the end of the season. -- Kirk. A: Or before. It was apparent on Saturday night that the Heat were running on fumes. Saturday night resembled one of those games when you fight back from a sizable deficit only to fall short. By falling 19 games below .500, the Heat left themselves with minimal margin for error. It makes Mondays home game against the Magic all the more important, especially considering how the Heat punted away the teams previous meeting in a double-overtime loss the last time the teams met at AmericanAirlines Arena. The Heat follow that game against the Magic with a Wednesday game in Houston before their eight-day All-Star break. The last thing a team seven games under .500 can afford is a three-game losing streak going into the All-Star break. The Heat winning streak was going to come to an end at some point. The question now is whether the overall success can be sustained. A return to health, including the return of Dion Waiters should help. The Heat certainly could have used Waiters on Saturday night. Of course, they also could have used a far more aggressive Hassan Whiteside. Q: Hi Ira, how about Josh McRoberts and Justise Winslow for Serge Ibaka Does that work cap-wise or Orlando-wise -- Marc, Pembroke Pines. A: No. And I doubt it. First, McRoberts and Winslow are on the books for a combined 8.4 million this season, compared to Ibakas 12.3 million expiring contract. And it would make little sense for the Magic to have to commit to McRoberts 2017-18 player option. Beyond that, I dont see how the Magic could essentially trade Ibaka for Winslow, after giving up so much to the Thunder for the one-year rental of Serge. Beyond that, there is the issue of whether the Heat or any team that trades for Serge would then be able to re-sign him, or also risk losing him for nothing in return in free agency. For the Heat to trade for Ibaka, it basically would close the door on returns for Dion Waiters and James Johnson, essentially forcing the Heat to commit all their cap resources in his direction. Q: Ira, due to the Heats recent success, the Heats first-round draft pick has been devalued. Could they now look to trade the pick for a star with an expiring contract that we have Bird Rights on -- Jeffrey, A: No. Well at least right now. Because the Heats 2018 first-round pick is due to the Suns, the Heat are not allowed to trade their 2017 first-round pick ahead of the draft. However, they are allowed to select a player for another team. But the Heat, like every other team, also recognize the value of draft picks under the impending collective-bargaining agreement. So I believe no matter the draft slot, the Heat likely will attempt to make something out of their 2017 first-round selection. Q:James Johnson absolutely deserves a big contract from Miami in the summer. We should give him 60 million over four years. -- Hector. A: Got to admit, Ive come around to some of that thinking, especially with the limitations the Heat have at forward. I think thats the difference between James Johnson and Dion Waiters. The Heat are loaded at guard, when counting Goran Dragic, Josh Richardson, Tyler Johnson and the team option they hold on Wayne Ellington. But if the Heat arent able to land a franchise forward in free agency, then James Johnson might be worth the type of investment you suggest (which is what I think its going to take). The Heat are not going to find such ready-to-go versatility with a forward in the draft, and were still not such what level Justise Winslow can reach as a two-way player. Question: Is Gordon Hayward worth twice the money Q: Imagine if Tyler Johnson wasnt out of control and turning the ball over -- M. L. A: I dont blame Tyler. Its more a case of the current composition of the roster and the ongoing attempt to convert him into a point guard. To their credit, the Heat, in Dion Waiters absence, have done a quality job of keeping James Johnson on the court alongside Tyler Johnson, to provide a relief playmaker. But even with his build, Tyler Johnson is a shooting guard, with the athleticism of a shooting guard, if not the size. Tyler would be best paired with a taller point guard who then could take the defensive assignments at shooting guard. Its something the Heat have to consider when building their roster going forward. Q:When Miami gets that No. 8 or 7 spot. I dont see how anybody can even think about Trading James Johnson or Dion Waiters. Its working. -- Will. A: Because the bigger, long-term picture is about more than a No. 8 or No. 7 seed. And thats why its important to have a general manager to take care of the long-term view, while the coach can live in the moment. Look, if youre going to live moment-by-moment, then you can make the argument that since the Heat didnt have Waiters these past two games they therefore dont need him. And that would be as shortsighted as saying this is the Heats roster of the future. So enjoy the moment. Allow the players to enjoy the moment. Allow Erik Spoelstra to enjoy the moment. And keep in mind that the spreadsheet of Pat Riley, Andy Elisburg, Adam Simon and the rest of the front office goes beyond the Feb. 23 trading deadline, beyond the end of the season and beyond 2017 free agency. Q: Its interesting to note that the 12-0 run has happened without both Justise Winslow and Josh Richardson, previously (and still) considered two of the keystones of the Heats future. Will their return, even if its next season, as in Justises case, make the team better -- Hanan, Tel Aviv. A: This has been the elephant in the room now for weeks. While Josh has displayed NBA-level 3-point ability, especially during last seasons playoff run, weve yet to see the outside range on the NBA level that Justise offered during Dukes championship run. And you are correct in your allusion to the fact that much of the Heats success during this run has been built on outside shooting, be it Rodney McGruder starting in place of Winslow at small forward, or Wayne Ellington and Dion Waiters getting minutes at shooting guard that might otherwise have gone to Richardson. I believe it is clear that its become shoot-or-die (OK, maybe thats a bit extreme) when it comes to lineups and rotations that work. For Richardson, it means reclaiming what he previously displayed. For Winslow, it means as much time on the Heats practice court as necessary for the team to see whether an NBA-level stroke is attainable or whether there has to be a Plan B regarding his career arc. Q: Ira, its funny how over the past few years LeBron James tries to bring so much Heat culture to Cavs -- Dacota. A: Isnt it. First James Jones and Mike Miller. Then Chris Andersen. Followed by a tryout for Mario Chalmers and now Derrick Williams. It makes you wonder if there is substance to the Dwyane Wade speculation or that if Chris Bosh could turn in LeBrons and Clevelands direction if there is a comeback. LeBron clearly loves him some Heat. He apparently just doesnt love it if it is in Miami or under Pat Rileys control. So now the real question: Does it mean a Dion Waiters free-agency return to Cleveland is next this offseason (Yes, surely I jest). Q: Ira, as well as Dion Waiters is playing, it seems the Heat have to look to trade him. We have three other shooting guards under contract in Tyler Johnson, Rodney McGruder and Josh Richardson. -- Michael. A: (And you left out Wayne Ellington, with the Heat holding his 6 million player option for next season.) I dont think its a matter of quotlooking. quot I believe its more a case of listening. If a first-round pick is offered, even one lottery-protected or for a distant future season, then it has to be considered and, most likely, accepted. Waiters will be a free agent in July, meaning if the Heat want to extend the relationship, they could do it just as easily then after a brief parting. But otherwise there is the risk of losing him for nothing in return. Now, if Waiters agrees to pick up his 3 million option for next season, then the thinking would totally change. But there is no way that Waiters, prior to the trading deadline, is going to make such a commitment (nor should a player who has yet to get his quotcareerquot contract). Q: Everyone is worried about Heat draft picks in June and if we finish in the seventh or eighth seed, it is a wasted year. Is there a better sports story in Miami than the Heat Just let this team play it out and lets see where they end up. That is the beauty of sports, no one knows the outcome. -- Stuart, Miami. A: The concern from those who take the long view -- which I can appreciate -- is whether these weeks of satisfaction are worth the tradeoff of not securing a high lottery pick. The response to that should be Kawhi Leonard, the No. 15 pick in the 2011 draft. So heres the tradeoff: If the Heat want to be good now, then the front office has to be even better when it comes to wherever the Heat wind up selecting in the first round. You can get a quality player beyond the initial lottery picks. Its just that the margin for error is slight. What makes the lottery truthers so prevalent this season is their awareness that the Heats 2018 first-round pick is most likely going to the Suns as the first of two such payments for Goran Dragic. Beyond that, Tyler Johnsons salary-cap hit goes into the stratosphere starting in the 2018 offseason. Thats why there hashad been so much focus on 2018 having to be transformative. And it probably has to be just that. So, basically, Pat Riley, Andy Elisburg, Adam Simon and Chet Kammerer will have to do this summer what their players are doing right now. work some magic. Q: When Hassan Whiteside plays focused, the kid is unstoppable. -- Lue. A: Part of that, though, is what happened Wednesday in Milwaukee, namely his teammates being focused on his possibilities. When it became apparent Hassan could beat the Bucks over the top, his teammates offered a relentless volley of alley-oop passes. Some clicked some didnt. But they allowed Hassan to maximize his matchup. The next step is doing it against higher-tier centers, and dealing with the adversity when every shot isnt going in. Q: Maybe Erik Spoelstra discovered talent on this team that other coaches arent good enough to see. -- Will. A: That certainly is an element. But I think the greatest compliment belongs to the players who embraced the need to get into the best shape of their careers and commit to a team focus. I wrote in December about the Heats dramatic impact on the physiques of James Johnson, Dion Waiters and Wayne Ellington, and now were seeing the payoff of those summer sessions. This all began way before the start of this winning streak. Q: Although fun, this win streak has blinded Heat Nation. We are overreacting to what we are seeing. Wake up. Eleven games is impressive, but look at who weve beaten. The Warriors and Rockets are the only two impressive wins (beating the Hawks isnt impressive). Ira, youre saying Goran is the point guard of the future I love Goran, but he cant be. Hes already 30. Can we pump the brakes on Dion Waiters Im seeing tweets and articles about him becoming a star and potential max guy. Youve got to be kidding me. This is a classic example of quotregression to the meanquot and a byproduct of favorable scheduling. We were not as bad as we started and not as good as were playing now. We are not a contender. Pat Riley would make a huge mistake not to sell off for future assets by All-Star break. Its not what people want to hear but we have to rebuild. Its the cost of having the Big 3 Era and years of being the favorite. -- Erik. A: And none of whats going on, beyond the winning, has to get in the way of never losing sight of the future. The reason Ive pointed out Gorans play and strengths is because if you are well-positioned at a position, it allows you to focus elsewhere. But I would have absolutely no issue if the Heat were able to flip Waiters or James Johnson for a first-round pick at the Feb. 23 NBA trading deadline. You can still enjoy a moment while also preparing for the future. The players are playing to win. The coaches are coaching to win. Thats what they should be doing. But that doesnt mean Pat Riley and his staff also arent planning for bigger and better things down the road. Q: Who do we want in the Finals: Spurs or Warriors -- Drew, Coral Springs. A: Theyve already shown they could compete with the Warriors at Oracle and have beaten Golden State at AmericanAirlines Arena, so I would have to figure on that being the Heats preference when they get to the NBA Finals. Q: I think its time to start Okaro White at the four over Luke Babbitt. Maybe try and trade Babbitt away or waive him and get another young prospect. -- Taylor, Christiansburg, Va. A: Or enjoy the fact that theyre 10-2 with this current starting lineup that has Babbitt opening at power forward alongside Hassan Whiteside, Goran Dragic, Rodney McGruder and Dion Waiters. Babbitts spacing works with the first group, with James Johnson still getting the significant minutes for the Heat at power forward. And, to be honest, Im not sure there is an area of need at the moment for the Heat to have to clear a roster spot. Q: Ira, to everyone who said the Heat had to trade Goran Dragic really bad words. Why would anyone be surprised he can play like this What first-round pick is going to come and give what hes giving now Enter the Dragon. -- Leif. A: The problem with so much of the Dragic conversation both before this 11-game winning streak and even during this run are all the wrong comparisons. It doesnt matter that this draft offers the likes of Lonzo Ball, Markelle Fultz and Dennis Smith that becomes a question of how long youre willing to wait. And it doesnt matter that the Heat gave up a pair of potential lottery picks for Goran you cant move forward while concerning yourselves about what already has been done. So step back into a vacuum and ask yourself this, and only this: Would you be content with this Goran Dragic, playing this way, being your point guard going forward next season, the season after that, and possibly beyond Franchises spend years attempting to find their point guard of the future and their center of the future. Could it be that the Heat already have those elements of the equation answered Q: Im really enjoying watching this team come together. Even with some salaries much higher than others, this is really just a bunch of role players figuring it out and playing good basketball. Imagine if Chris Bosh had played this season. I know we wouldnt have seen as much of James Johnson and Willie Reed, but I think we would have had a much better record. -- Tony, Big Sur, Calif. A: First, Im not sure I would group Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside in as quotrole players. quot But, to your greater point regarding Bosh, thats where there remains the need to add another alpha-talent, someone like a Bosh. Of course, had Bosh been able to play, the composition of this roster obviously would be significantly different. And that also is worth remembering if it gets ugly over the Heats parting with Bosh -- he is exactly the type of player they could use, and a player they would love to have had (safely) available. Q: Lets all stop fawning over Briante Weber. When Josh Richardson returns, Weber would have been the sixth guard on the Heat roster. To your point, a specialist like this can carve out a role on a team with Hall of Fame-caliber 3-point shooting, as opposed to a team who cant withstand his offensive liability. -- Rich, West Palm Beach. A: And also dont lose sight of the reality that a 13th man hardly is the concern of a team still looking to move toward a winning record. Just because he has been out of view due to his injuries, Richardson was the better play when both he and Weber were on the roster together. Now, if the Heat lose both Dion Waiters and Wayne Ellington in the offseason, then there could be a need for another guard, and its not as if the Heat havent revisited certain players multiple times. Even Weber made it clear in a follow-up tweet that he meant nothing untoward regarding the Heat when he mentioned how he bypassed a return because the Heat already had, by his count, 17 guards. A: I dont see anything other than the No. 8 seed being available to the Heat from its current position because I believe the Bucks are poised to take a quantum leap with Wednesdays return (ironically against the Heat) by guard Khris Middleton. Middletons scoring should provide Milwaukee with the exact type of relief needed to safely settle into a playoff spot. So what this could come down to would be the Heat chasing Dwyane Wade and the Chicago Bulls for the right to play LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the first round of the playoffs. Q: Is it realistic to think James Johnson and Dion Waiters might recognize that some of their newfound success is due to Heat culture, chemistry, etc. to the degree that they would sacrifice dollars to enable the Heat to retain them and add the pieces necessary for the team to go deep into the playoffs -- David. A: No, that is not realistic, with both players looking for the first true payoff of their careers, especially at a time when the league is oozing free-agency cash. If the Heat cut into their overall stockpile for supporting pieces, they then could again be positioned without enough to support. The only way sacrifice would work is if both would agree to put their salary demands on hold for another year or two, getting at least to early-Bird Rights if not full Bird Rights. And thats not happening. Q: Hi, Ira, Heat fan from Sardinia (Italy) here I love how the Heat are playing right now. I just dont understand why lot of fans (are they real fans) are complaining about the victories. Its a shame. This team is good, we just had too many injuries at the beginning of the season (and still now). I think that this team can be a playoff team and it will be a good thing because it will build confidence in our players and, more importantly, we will attract more free agents. -- Luca, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. A: In defense of the fans, many have been around when the Heat won titles in 2012 and 13, and some even from back in 2006. So I can appreciate where the bar is set, which is considerably higher than just being good enough to make the playoffs. Each of those title teams was bolstered by the highest of lottery picks, be it Dwyane Wade and Shaquille ONeal (and even Alonzo Mourning) in 06, or then Wade, Chris Bosh and LeBron James in 2012 and 13. And I do understand how being caught in the middle can be one of the most dangerous places in the NBA, falling short of the playoffs with something along the lines of the No. 14 pick. I do believe there will be an organizational decision on the direction going forward by the Feb. 23 NBA trading deadline. Q: I wish Hassan Whiteside played around this level most games -- Galindo. A: So, of course, do the Heat. But you take what you can get, and the Heat were smart enough to recognize what they could get with Joel Embiid and Jahlil Okafor out Saturday night for the 76ers. Now, if Hassan can back this up against Karl-Anthony Towns on Monday night against the Timberwolves, that would be another step. But just as important Saturday night was teammates recognizing the mismatch and feeding the beast. What Saturday showed was the inside-outside potential of this revised Heat mix, especially with the Heat now loading up on 3-pointers. The ultimate lesson from Saturdays game might be as simple as get Whiteside involved early. Q: I dont know how we have a 10-game winning streak I feel like Im in a bad dream -- Julio. A: You people are relentless. And for your information, Pat Riley was in his usual courtside seat on Saturday night, not at the UCLA-Washington game scouting Lonzo Ball vs. Markelle Fultz. (But with plenty of time to catch it on television, just in case.) Even now, as I wrote in my Sunday column, the playoffs still remain somewhat of an abstract. And if there is a slide back to the Heats previous reality, you can bet the Heat will quickly pull the plug, rather than wind up with something like the No. 14 pick. Q: Briante Weber will be one that got away. -- David. A: Sort of a Patrick Beverley of 2017, eh Thats why it will be interesting to see how the Heat, and other teams, approach the concept of the two-way player starting next season with the new collective-bargaining agreement, knowing they can both develop a prospect and retain their rights. The Heat almost assuredly would have utilized the approach this season with Weber and Okaro White. But with the Heat putting such a emphasis on development, Briante likely wont be the last one to get away. The Heat also helped develop Ian Clark, and he now is a teammate of Webers with the Warriors. And even Willie Reed got away from the Heat during 2015 summer league before he was added last summer. The bottom line is that Weber is far better suited to setting up 3-pointers with the Warriors than having to take them with the Heat. And, still, it doesnt mean he doesnt come free yet again, as he did for the Heat to re-sign him after his 10-day tour last season with the Grizzlies. Q: Ira, I wouldnt take the chance on a long-term deal for James Johnson. In fact, I dangle him now to a contender and get some picks. One good year (at his age) doesnt guarantee a similar performance next year, and I think you and Pat Riley would agree. With the state of this team and the free agents in play, I wouldnt risk it, even if he has an amazing year next year. Give me Paul Millsap, Serge Ibaka, Gordon Hayward or keep the money for 2018. -- Gabriel. A: Truth be told, I was going to write my Sunday column weighing in on that subject, about whether to sell high on both James Johnson and Dion Waiters by the Feb. 23 NBA trading deadline. And then I spoke to an NBA scout who told me, in his view, that there is no way the Heat could get a first-round pick, either for this June or even protected into the future, for either Waiters or Johnson. I have to admit that surprised me. He said second-round picks were possible. Im not sure I would rip apart an element of Heat Family merely for a second-round pick or picks. Q: If the playoffs started today, and the Heat were in, I dont think there is a team in the league that would feel comfortable playing them. If the Heat maintain their current level of play its essentially a given that we make the playoffs. Given the fact that nobody in the East looks dominant right now, how far do you think this team can go Regardless of the end result, I really like this team. -- Brian, Mount Vernon, Wash. A: Nothing, when you are 10 games below .500. even when on a nine-game winning streak, is a given. And if the first-round opponent is the Cleveland Cavaliers, getting a single game would be the ultimate challenge. If the Heat can get to No. 7 in the East, the playoffs could provide some kicks and giggles. But thats also about this. The playoffs are about singular stars stepping forward. This is a team still in search of that component. Q: This team is surprising me in ways I never hoped. We still arent there yet, but this team is clicking at a time when giving up is an easy way out. -- John, Rhode Island. A: The period between Jan. 1 and the All-Star break tends to be the dog days of the NBA season. So, yes, to be playing spirited ball at this time of year is commendable. But it also means getting opponents pushing through dog days of their own, especially playoff contenders who still see a distant finish line. That will make the three games against the Cavaliers after the deadline particularly interesting, and perhaps leaving the Heat longing for having gotten them before that. Q: Its not yet the All-Star break, but for my money there is no way James Johnson loses the Most Improved Player award, even if the Heat lose every game going forward. What he has done is outstanding. To think, I always just thought of him as the guy with the headband. -- Patrick, Hollywood. A: Considering the season that Gianni Antetokounmpo is having, and, for that matter, teammate Jabari Parker, that might be a stretch, unless Milwaukee continues to go into the tank. Then there is Isaiah Thomas, who has gone from All-Star to something closer, believe it or not, to superstar. And there also are the candidacies of Harrison Barnes, Nikola Jokic, Myles Turner and even Zach LaVine. But merely the fact that James Johnson has gotten himself into the conversation speaks volumes, and likely will add volumes to his asking price in free agency. Should the Heat continue to push up in the standings, Johnson might not only find himself in the conversation for Most Improved Player, but possibly for the Sixth Man Award, as well. Q: Do you think this is a good analysis: The reason for the Miami Heats win streak is because the players have become comfortable with Erik Spoelstras system, plays, defense, which Spoelstra is able to implement better because he doesnt have superstars like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. Instead, Spoelstra has a bunch of talented non-stars who have to listen, who are open to learn and implement his system, his philosophy, the Miami Heat culture - Vip, Manila, Philippines. A: If youre asking whether Erik gets the most out of his players, then I would agree, as was the case when Stan Van Gundy took over from Pat Riley. And yet Im sure Erik also would be the first to agree that you win in this league with stars. There was no need to develop with James and Bosh, but even then, both became better during their tenures with the Heat. So I think what youre seeing is the continuation of the Heats developmental culture. And yet, all of that said, I am sure they would trade in this mix in a heartbeat for something with more star potential. Q: I know Feb 23 is coming up, but if theres no movement from the Heat we are dead. Mediocre for years. -- Marcus, Washington, D. C. A: I dont know if I would get than funereal, but that also is why the Heat very much could turn around and trade some of these latest contributors at the NBA trading deadline. This team needs to restock with draft picks. Last season, the Heat took a forward-thinking approach when it came to the luxury tax. This season, the long view could be restocking a barren plate of draft picks. Q: When do you think the Heat will bring up Briante Weber before a team snatches him up -- Victor. A: That likely will come down to how much longer Josh Richardson is out. If Richardson remains sidelined, then the Heat could utilize that absence for another roster exception once Okaro White is taken care of with the anticipated waiving of Derrick Williams, as soon as this weekend. But if Richardson returns, then there not only would not be a roster spot for Weber (with White taking Williams roster spot), but also not likely room in a backcourt rotation that includes Richardson, Goran Dragic, Dion Waiters, Tyler Johnson and Wayne Ellington. And thats why Im not sure if Weber doesnt ultimately wind up elsewhere, still available to be signed by any NBA team. Now, if the Heat were to thin their backcourt at the Feb. 23 trading deadline, that would be another story. But, at the moment, there neither is room at the inn on the roster or in the Heats backcourt. Q: Pat Riley is falling for the leagues plan to keep the Heat mediocre. -- Shad. A: The timeline and inbox continued to be loaded with these. Again, if the Heat didnt start so poorly, this never would have been about the lottery and tanking. So just because it started that way and is playing out this way, its as if the Heat are blowing something. Face it, if someone told you 50 games into the season that the Heat would be 20-30, there would be anger at the poor performance. Its as much about how this has played out as the record itself. And there still are three weeks left before the playoffs. Q: Im just in awe by this Heat team. James Johnson and Dion Waiters have to be re-signed -- Didier. A: And this is why you need executives capable of operating in a bubble beyond the standings. Because this also has to be about more than the moment. With everything that has transpired to this point, it still behooves the Heat to investigate what packages of draft picks could possibly be mined for Waiters and Johnson by the Feb. 23 NBA trading deadline. Because as much as there is an enjoyable moment transpiring, there also is a future that any respectable NBA executive also has to consider. Q: Do you think Justise Winslow will develop into more than James Johnson is right now If not, maybe the Heat should consider signing Johnson to a long-term contract and using Winslow as a trade chip. Im not advocating that the Heat give up on Winslow -- despite his youth, he is already mature and contributes in a lot of ways. However, there is probably a trade market for him, and, as you have already pointed out, the Heat cant re-sign everyone on this team. Maybe Johnson is the long-term answer and not just a rental player. Alternatively, do you think the Heat can eventually play Winslow and Johnson at the same time -- David. A: If Johnson continues to shoot 3-pointers as he has to this point, then I think there would be enough shooting on the court when Johnson and Winslow play together. But keep in mind that Winslow remains on the rookie scale for another two seasons, at a price point likely to be less than one-third of what Johnson could secure on the free-agent market. So in a salary-cap world, you have to calculate the value-per-dollar when it comes to cap resources. The greater question is whether Johnson, who has been utilized in a reserve role, could thrive as a starting power forward, which is a position of need for the Heat. Johnson likely will earn starters money in free agency. So is he a starter As it is, the Heat soon will be playing Tyler Johnson starters money quite likely to play off the bench. Q: I trust all doubts and trade talk about Goran Dragic have been shelved. His value to this team is immense. -- Ernie, Aventura. A: Look, any team has an obligation to explore any and all possibilities when it comes to upgrading the roster, especially a roster that remains somewhat flawed. So many times it goes beyond the productivity of a player, but rather to how a team can best address the totality of roster composition. And if the Heat should wind up with one of the elite point guards in this years draft, then there certainly would be areas of greater need than having a pair of high-level starting-quality point guards. Until a team reaches championship level with its starting five, anything and everything has to be in play. Including Goran Dragic. Including Hassan Whiteside. Because even when healthy, the upside of this roster probably tops out somewhere near .500, anyway. Q: I dont know about anyone else, but Im having a ball watching the Heat play like their culture is set, instead of just tanking. -- Richard. A: I think a lot of this tanking vs. not-taking debate has been a factor of how the Heat have built their current record. If the start had not been as poor, if all those home losses had not piled up, then, like many of the expectations after an encouraging preseason, there probably would not have been tank talk in the first place. Instead, there would have been daily tracking of playoff position, as there was when the Heat pulled within 4 12 games of the Easts final playoff spot after Mondays victory over the Nets. When youre not among the five or six worst teams in the league, you generally do not think in terms of lottery seeding. You just go out and play your season. And this certainly could turn again, with six of the next seven on the road after this four-game homestand concludes Saturday against the 76ers. So there still could be ample time for the tank talkers to get back to their favorite subject. I believe a lot of the answers, when it comes to direction, will be offered at the Feb. 23 NBA trading deadline. I doubt the Heat will be buyers. But will they be sellers Q: Ira, have you seen anything in both Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardsons games that say they will be better than Dion Waiters All three are in their mid 20s. I think the combo of Goran Dragic and Waiters is much better than what Johnson and Richardson have to offer. -- Rodney, Sarasota. A: I. Dont. Know. The sample size is still too small with Dion, and to a degree with Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson, as well, with their injuries. The thing is, until these past few weeks, I would have quickly dismissed such a notion. But the question remains about the roles were are talking about. If youre looking for a volume scorer, then, yes, Dion has shown more of an ability during his career. But if youre looking for defense or floor spacing, then the conversation might tilt the other way. With Josh Richardson under contract at a minimal salary for next season, he still remain a value player, more of a value player than when Waiters returns to free agency in July. Where it gets interesting is here, in two parts: 1. Is it possible to put together a contract for Waiters going forward that is more economical than what remains on the final three years of Tyler Johnsons deal 2. And, if so, is there is team that would be willing to take on the final three seasons on Tylers contract (quotHello, Nets, about that interest you had in Tyler last summer. quot) Q: Development or no development, Dion Waiters is a big-time NBA talent. I come to the AAA to watch talent. -- Stuart. A: And an unrestricted free agent in July, with the Heat holding no Bird Rights. And that 10 million estimate for his 2017-18 salary probably way lower than how it will play out, no matter where he signs. Q: So what happens with Okaro White Someone has to go, right, since Josh Richardson is coming back -- Will. A: First, there will be no rush back for Josh Richardson, so this could last all the way to the Feb. 23 trading deadline. But heres one thought: Waive both Derrick Williams and Udonis Haslem (calm down, Ill explain). With so many teams under the salary floor, both could be claimed and then immediately waived, with their full 2016-17 salary figures counting against the new teams cap but only their remaining salary to be paid. Then, after Team X signs and cuts Haslem, re-sign him to Justise Winslows 1.3 million injured-player exception to give him a nice bonus for services rendered. That not only would open a roster spot, provide a cash bonus for Haslem, but also get the Heat under the cap so a three-year contract can be offered to White. But it has to be done soon, like right away. Q: Given the current win streak, which really came about because the core developmental players were injured, doesnt Heat management have to give strong consideration to keeping the likes of Dion Waiters, James Johnson and Wayne Ellington Waiters has been developing nicely and he is only 25 years old. There is plenty of upside left. He and Goran Dragic are playing so well together. With their inside-outside games they really do stretch the floor. James Johnson and Wayne Ellington are 29, but there is definitely mileage left there. Given the way that these three, plus Willie Reed, have delivered, there must be a way to keep these guys at least for another year or two while the developmental youth matures. -- Michael, North Miami A: First, even with the reclaimed salary-cap space from Chris Bosh, Im not sure the Heat would have enough cap space to even keep what they have in place, if they also keep their current featured players. Next seasons salary cap is expected to fall into the 103 million range. So start with Hassan Whiteside, Goran Dragic and Tyler Johnson thats 55 million. Then factor in the options with Josh McRoberts (a player option) and Wayne Ellington (essentially a team option) thats another 12 million. So that gets you up to 67 million. Then there are the salaries of Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson, Rodney McGruder, and I would suspect Okaro White thats another 6 million. So that gets you to 73 million. So if you put James Johnson and Dion Waiters each in the 10 million range in this crazy NBA economy, youre up to 93 million. And, face it, Willie Reed is moving closer to a mid-level salary, which would be about 8 million. So, right there, youre just about at the cap. Without adding a single free agent. Thats why youre going to have to pick and choose, and possibly shed some salary, if that is even possible. Q: Is this seasons priority the draft or the playoffs If they push for the playoffs, that leaves their spot in the draft in a less-than-ideal place if theyre aiming for any of the top-tier prospects. If the focus is the draft, then theyre not doing themselves any favors by keeping together a team that apparently can win games. -- Brian, Mountain View, Calif. A: Heres what happened this season: The Heat piled up so many losses so early that all the outside focus turned to the draft, began to froth at the possibility of the likes of Lonzo Ball, Markelle Fultz, Dennis Smith or Josh Jackson. But inside the organization, there always was a measured approach, about both the season and the draft. There is enough institutional awareness to know that you dont know until you know. So you try to maximize what you have on your roster, and you make sure you scout all levels of the draft, from early lottery, to mid-lottery to players in the teens and beyond. And then, when you know where you stand, you make the decisions. The Heat arent drafting this week, this month or any time before June. And until Feb. 23, at the NBA trading deadline, there still is time to recalibrate the roster. So you let the games dictate. The Heat arent losing out on top picks, because in their view they never had a top pick (or any other pre-determined pick). Q: Pat Riley said he wants to get two first-round picks for the 2017 draft, which means youve got to tank for one and trade for the other. -- Aura. A: Or you get one at No. 12 or No. 14 or No. 16, and then you trade for or buy one at the end of the first round. Voila, two first-round picks. Q: How can you explain this win streak Have the Heat finally turned it around -- Doug. A: Part of it, which has been by necessity, has been taking their foot off the developmental portion of the agenda, with both Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson sidelined. With those two out, it has been easier to ride the veteran savvy of Dion Waiters and Wayne Ellington, without any sense of robbing the prospects of their developmental minutes. It is safe to say that had Richardson and Johnson been playing, Ellingtons minutes might have been erased, not there to deliver the daggers against the Nets, Bulls and Pistons. And with Tyler Johnson having led the league in fourth-quarter minutes for most of the season, who knows if Waiters even would have been on the court at the finish against the Warriors and Nets Similarly, it is easier to go with James Johnson for whatever timeframe is needed, such as Saturdays 32 minutes, when Justise Winslow is not getting required minutes. That has been the balance all season. Waiters, Ellington and James Johnson all can bolt in the offseason (the Heat have to decide on Ellingtons non-guaranteed 2017-18 salary at the start of the offseason). It all has put the Heat more in the moment than at other stages of the season. Q: What do we make of the emergence of Willie Reed this season I mean, is he starter worthy And, if so, does that make Hassan Whiteside dispensable in a trade -- Matthews, Weston. A: A lot of this, as also was the case with Whiteside, is a matter of right player in the right system at the right time. Can Willie Reed be an NBA starter Yes, with the right team that has the proper expectations. Willie holds a player option at the minimum for the 2017-18 season that Im sure he can exceed on the open market. So the question for the Heat becomes how much the Heat would be willing to pay to continue the relationship. Q: Hi, Ira. What do you make of Dion Waiters Is it Linsanity Part 2 or is he finally maturing Remember Lin was a superstar for two weeks then regressed to the norm. -- Daniel, Sydney, Australia. A: Again, it is a player finding his special place, a place that might not necessarily exist going forward, based on the health of Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson. But, remember, Dion was drafted with this type of potential in mind. So there were many who anticipated not only this type of surge, but perhaps something that could be sustained, as well. And, truth be told, Dion has had similar clusters of game previously. But you also have to appreciate the patience the Heat have had, including nights such as Saturday, when he was 1 of 9 on 3-pointers. The difference is Dion also had a game-high seven assists, showing he can be more than just a scoring specialist on this roster. Q: What are the rules on long-term options for Okaro White should Heat decide to -- C. K. A: The Heat likely will move ahead with a contract with White similar to their agreement with Rodney McGruder, something along the lines of a three-year deal (which will safely get them to Bird Rights), with the required guarantee for this season, a partial guarantee for next season and then a third year that becomes vested if White is with the team prior to that season. The Heat have had success with these types of cap-friendly deals for the prospects theyve developed. Josh Richardson, in fact, is in the midst of a three-year deal at the minimum. Q: I assume that this next 10-day contract for Okaro White is just the Heat needing 10 days to see who to let go. -- Jordan. A: No, its because thats the way of doing business in this situation. It could be that the Heat simply keep Josh Richardson inactive until the Feb. 23 trading deadline, so they can keep Derrick Williams contract in case his 4.6 million is needed to facilitate a trade. The Heat cannot release Josh McRoberts because then his 6 million salary would automatically vest onto next seasons contract. Of course, another injury could quotcrop upquot that would allow the Heat to retain a 16th player, and its not as if Udonis Haslem hasnt dealt with his share of tendinitis over the years. Much of what will transpire for the Heat over the next three weeks will involve keeping as many options as possible in play at the trading deadline. I also dont believe the Heat would in any way dare risk their cap space going forward by waiving Chris Bosh earlier than needed. Q: The Heat will regret not being in better position come draft time. This is chess not checkers. The goal is to win it all. -- Y. S.B . Q: Is it Or is the goal to present compelling competition Last season, when the Heat stood within one victory of the conference finals, it sure felt that the Heat were within reach of a goal at the time. Only one team wins a championship, which means that the average team would win a championship once every 30 years. So if its title or bust, then there will be a lot of misery for a lot of years. Having a team that can compete every night and in the playoffs is not a bad place to be. Winning is fun. These past six games have been fun. Getting into the playoffs would be fun. And, either way, the Heat will have the resources to be better, if only because of the Chris Bosh salary cap. It is OK to smile without a championship. And it is OK to smile when your team has won six in a row. Winning is good. Q: What makes you think Pat Riley will have any different result in free agency than what happened with Kevin Durant He cant lose what he has now, and then will have enough money in case Dwyane Wade wants to return. -- Arnold. A: I agree that if the plan is to go all-in for another top-tier free agent, then it could be another offseason of middling results, with players again to be off the market by the time the Riley gets his quotwhalequot resolution. But lately Ive been getting plenty of feedback on not only retaining Dion Waiters, but also bringing back Dwyane Wade (should Wade opt out of the second season on his Heat contract). The problem with that thinking is there simply are not enough minutes to go around when also factoring in Goran Dragic, Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson. In fact, if Johnson wasnt sidelined with his shoulder injury, it is doubtful Waiters would have been given such an extensive showcase over the past week. There also is another factor in perhaps deferring the spending of the salary-cap space expected to be recouped through Chris Boshs release: Johnsons salary will have the Heat hard up against the cap in the 2018 and 19 offseasons. That makes this offseason either a summer of dramatics for the Heat, or an acceptance of making what currently is on the roster (with perhaps some minor alterations) work over the long run. So the question then becomes: How far can a team go with a lottery pick, Dragic, Waiters, Hassan Whiteside, James Johnson, Tyler Johnson and the other young players on the current roster Q: I get the flash-in-the-pan skepticism about Dion Waiters, and you can throw in Goran Dragic, Luke Babbitt, James Johnson and Wayne Ellingtons recent successes. But I also recall Birdman and the Heats success with reclamation projects like him. Could it be the teaching reputation of the Heat staff is beginning to sink in If we see more successes from our quotone-year rentalsquot it might be too soon to trade them with the trade deadline only weeks away. I say let this season play out and see if the recent growth of our veterans along with their professed desire to stay (quotwe found a homequot) comments might yield a long-term value. What say you -- Jack, Fort Myers. A: I say I also recall a similar atmosphere last season with Joe Johnson, with the Heat and Johnson talking about extending the commitment. And then, at the start of free agency, Johnson was gone. The difference with Johnson is the Heat had no option to turn Johnson into something tangible. That is something the Heat will be able to do at the trading deadline, replenish the type of future draft choices that have been dealt away. So, as with the response above, it comes down to whether you are willing to move forward with mostly the same group. Because the Heats free agents will want to get paid, because thats what free agents do. And in this salary-cap economy, players will be paid this summer. Now, if the Heat had held team options with Waiters, Ellington or James Johnson, it would be a different story. Q: If Chris Bosh is waived before February 23, his salary comes off the cap at that moment, right The Heat can then take in trades without having to match salary. -- Martin. A: There still will be several administrative matters to deal with once the Heat waive Bosh, including needed confirmation from an independent doctor that Chris ailment is career-ending. Such timing also could then backfire in free agency under the longshot chance that Bosh finds a team willing to play him for 25 total games over the remainder of the regular season and playoffs. While the Heat are making a move from their season-long spot near the league basement, there still will be some sort of losing record at the Feb. 23 NBA trading deadline, so it is doubtful they would jump in and make a move with salary-cap space. More than likely, a vacated Bosh roster spot would allow the Heat to add another developmental player, possibly Briante Weber or Keith Benson from their D-League affiliate. Q: So who is going to get waived when Miami loses its roster exception Because there is no way it will be Okaro White. -- Mac, Toronto. A: You raise a really interesting point, because not only cant the Heat afford to expose White to other teams, they have to now step forward and sign him to a contract that also keeps him out of free agency this summer. I dont think its enough to make the Heat move with haste with Chris Bosh (although thats a possibility), but I can assure you that White has made himself a keeper, very much as a man of the moment. So when Richardson returns it could possibly be the end of the Derrick Williams era. Otherwise, I cant see them parting with Udonis Haslem or eating the option year with Josh McRoberts. Okaro White has created a problem for the Heat. A good problem. Q: Ira, are you ready to get on the Dion Waiters bandwagon with me Ira, you cant say that youre not impressed. -- Will. A: Yes I am, and no I cant. But that never was the crux of my perspective. Instead, the Heat have to break out their actuarial charts and determine what Waiters market price will be in free agency this offseason. And then they have to decide what their other options will be with that cap space. And they have to decide that by the NBAs Feb. 23 trading deadline, or otherwise could see Waiters walk for nothing in return. I like Dion and I like his attitude. But he is a high-volume shooter and a high-volume ballhandler. So how does that fit going forward, when Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson are available Thats something that also needs to be considered. But for the moment, Im like everyone else, savoring this life in Wait County. Q: Hassan Whiteside needs to stop trying to make Erik Spoelstra look bad. If your ankle hurt, dont go in. Dont make Spo look bad -- Horace. A: Or make himself look bad. Or put the Heat behind the eight-ball. There was no mention of an ankle issue for Hassan going into the game (although the Heat can be very protective of such information), but also no mention in Spoelstras postgame comments. For all of Whitesides second-guessing about deciding to play (which can be an admirable attribute), those are the time when you have to be proactive. If a limited Whiteside didnt play, perhaps the Heat dont fall behind by 18 points in the first place in Brooklyn. Q: Can we hire somebody to take Goran Dragic on a temporary involuntary vacation -- William. A: Ah, the irony: The time when Goran Dragic starts playing like the Goran Dragic that so tantalized the Heat at the 2015 trading deadline also is a time when some have become more forward thinking with their Heat perspective. And yet some also point out to how Goran deferred to Dion Waiters at Mondays close against the Warriors, just as he did to Dwyane Wade the previous two seasons. What Goran has provided are the types of game-long contributions that have allowed the Heat to remain competitive so that the closing minutes will have meaning. This no longer can be a case of dumping Goran for salary-cap space. He has made himself so much more valuable than that. So unless the trade offers include some tantalizing in the draft, you sit back and wait. Ultimately, there is no guarantee that those two first-round picks offer anything more tangible to the Suns than what the Heat could derive from Dragic over the next three seasons. Q: I have respect for Erik Spoelstra and the team. They have brought full effort every game despite injuries and less talent than opponents. -- C. J. A: Actually, there had been a few when that wasnt the case, which is why any notion of a playoff run is way too premature. But perhaps it speaks even greater volumes that a team can fall 19 games below .500 and still fight as hard as the Heat have in recent weeks. This often can become a white-flag juncture of the season for teams at the bottom of the standings. The Heat instead are pushing through with the good fight. Q: Hi, Ira. I cant help but be bothered every time I hear about Chris Bosh either giving All-Star votes to Dwyane Wade or being a cheerleader at the Bulls game. What issues does he really have with the Heat, that they dare put his health first Shouldnt he be supporting the team hes still contracted with I mean, its silly enough he has negative feelings with the front office, but I swore he was a quotfriendquot to some of the players still currently in Miami. -- Marc, Pembroke Pines. A: And he remains friendly with those players, spending New Years Eve with Udonis Haslem, Josh McRoberts and others. I am surprised that the familial Heat couldnt make it work better with Chris, even if the goal has to be excising his salary-cap hit. Even when it has been business with the Heat, there mostly has been the ability to maintain a cordial relationship. That this was allowed to go so wrong is a shame for a player whose jersey one day will be hoisted to the AmericanAirlines Arena rafters. Q: The schedule only gets easier from here. The Heat are about to take a chance missing out on a potential future franchise player -- Y. S.B. A: Its amusing, first of all, how some are now looking at it that way, with overwhelming underdog status, which was overcome Monday against the Warriors, now essentially put on hold until Feb. 15 in Houston. Until then, the schedule reads: at Nets, at Bulls, vs. Pistons, vs. Nets, vs. Hawks, vs. 76ers, at Timberwolves, at Bucks, at Nets at 76ers, vs. Magic. Of course, every one of those teams also is likely looking at the Heat through a similar lens. But lets not forget the Heat also are 15-30. Win ALL of those games, and youre still four games under .500. And the Heat are not winning them all, not stringing together a 15-game winning streak. So then you get the flip side of it, of fooling around and falling out of lottery love, winding up somewhere in the middle of the non-playoff pack. To that I say, dont worry. There will be enough teams playing to win over the seasons final two months, that you basically can get the record to square where you need it, especially with the Feb. 23 trading deadline approaching. So whether you consider the current glass half full or half empty, at least this is not as rancid as it had been over the seasons first two months. Q: Ira, if Dion Waiters keeps this up then do you think Pat Riley will give him the keys to the house the Dwyane Wade built I mean, Im impressed -- Will. Q: Time to sell high on Waiters. Trade, Trade, Trade -- Rafy. A: Contrasting opinions offered for your benefit, followed by perspective: You dont overstate two games, and you also dont overstate how the trade market might change because of two games. What you do is sit by the phones, see if Waiters has created a market in time for the Feb. 23 trading deadline, and then weigh the odds of re-signing him vs. acquiring something tangible in advance of his return to free agency. Q: In the fourth quarter against the Warriors, Hassan Whiteside didnt touch the ball once with undersized Draymond Green guarding him and in one instance with Klay Thompson on him. Who do you blame for this the players or Erik Spoelstra Also, I partially blame Whiteside. He had to learn how to seal his man when he goes low. -- Joel. A: You answered part of your question. But the other part of it is a lack of true playmakers, with Dion Waiters forced into such a role because of injuries, and with Justise Winslow and Josh McRoberts out. Ive noticed numerous times this season where Whiteside has flashed open without the Heats guards noticing. But Whiteside also has to provide an aggressive target, one with two feet in the paint, if possible. Its almost as if the Heat got too caught up in the alley-oop game with him. Q: Dion Waiters scores 33 points and you report why the Heat should trade him. You are a moron. -- Nate. A: I did. And I might be. But there has to also be a critical lens for what this team can look like going forward. Even if the Heat reclaim Chris Boshs salary-cap space, as is expected, if it is reinvested in this current roster, then basically. you would have the same roster coming back. If, for instance, Dion puts together a few more games such as Saturday, then in todays NBA economy, he is going to be starting a new contract at 10 million or beyond (money he might have gotten this past summer if the Thunder had set him free earlier). Similarly, an equal case could be made for James Johnson. And neither have Bird Rights with the Heat, meaning their share would have to come out of the Heats cap space. So my alternate theory (moronic as it might seem to some, or at least one), is instead to try to spin both into tangible currency, namely draft picks, at the Feb. 23 trading deadline, or perhaps even a low-priced veteran with Bird Rights. It beats the alternative of Waiters and Johnson potentially walking out that door in July for nothing in return. The enduring contribution from Johnson and Waiters could be what they deliver to the Heat in terms of long-term currency. The exception would be if Waiters would agree to pick up his player option for 2017-18 in advance, thereby having Early Bird Rights in the 2018 offseason. But why exactly would he settle in advance for a 3 million 2017-18 salary Once a player plays above his current pay grade, it is incumbent on any front office to consider the ramifications going forward. Q: Why would Erik Spoelstra opt to utilize Okaro White instead of giving Derrick Williams a chance to play and up his confidence He played well in the preseason, right -- Roy. A: This also sort of goes to the above. Derrick Williams essentially is a one-year rental. If his play is off, he likely is not asked to return. And if he thrives, he likely moves on to his next contract elsewhere. But White could be a pipeline player going forward, perhaps even on a two-way contract next season, once that process begins with the new collective-bargaining agreement. Yes, at the moment, a hearty argument could be made that Derrick Williams is the more NBA-ready player. But not a lot about this season is about this season for the Heat. Instead, it is about who can, will or should be a member of this roster going forward. Q: Kaboom We have no future -- Bruno, Fort Lauderdale. A: This whole lottery thing is getting out of control. Are you telling me people are actually booing in some places when the Heat win this season I guess you can lose for winning. Q: Ira, whats your take on the speculation of Dwyane Wade possibly leaving Chicago Is he Cleveland bound I dont see him back in Miami just yet, as we are searching for an identity and lets not forget the way free agency 2016 unfolded. Time definitely heals all wounds, but I think its too soon, possibly too late, to expect Dwyane to come back. -- John, Rhode Island. A: Dwyane prioritized money last summer to the degree that I cant see him walking away from the 23.8 million player option he holds for 2017-18 with the Bulls unless another team is willing to even come close to that figure for next season. And I dont see that happening, either. But if the Bulls do move toward a total rebuild, then I would think Dwyane would sooner move to the 8 million mid-level alongside LeBron James in Cleveland (or perhaps Chris Paul in Los Angeles, or maybe Carmelo Anthony in New York). And then theres the Heats perspective, where Im not sure after moving to excise Chris Boshs cap space and, before that, limiting the offer to Wade, that there would be any inclination to spend even the mid-level on such a move. Now, if youre talking about 2018-19, when Wades Chicago contract expires, then I could see an amenable resolution between Wade and the Heat. Q: Doesnt the Tyler Johnson injury show that going for Okaro White over Briante Weber was a mistake Now we have no backup for Goran Dragic. -- Seth. A: Remember that Okaro is on a 10-day contract, so an adjustment can always be made there. Also, there is no certainty (at least from what the Heat are saying) that Tyler will be out for an appreciable period. If Johnson is out for more than a few days, and if Richardson remains inactive with his foot issue, then I would think another ballhandler would be essential. If this was a win-at-all-costs season, Im not sure that an additional ballhandler wouldnt have been brought in as soon as Richardson went down, just in case of this type of Tyler Johnson eventuality. Q: Its a little sad that some fans get upset when the Heat win. But I agree with you, if youre going to have hope for any players on this current roster playing a role on future ones, then you need to see they have the ability to win some games. I watch each game for the potential entertainment value of that specific game. I dont think about past losses, etc. Its a much easier approach to this particular season. Viewed in that light, there have been a lot of entertaining games, including (mostly) the losses. -- Matt. A: Ive been saying this all season, that when it comes to the games, themselves, thats the time to suspend all other concerns and appreciate that there is NBA basketball in South Florida and on South Florida televisions, and that if its not the Heats night then its an opposing player creating reason to watch. The reality is that half the teams lose every night and that only two of them make the NBA Finals (and, candidly, you can make an argument that only the Cavaliers, Warriors, Spurs and maybe even one or two other teams are even in contention). (Todays mailbag is presented as a matter of throwing ones hands up and allowing the readers to take over.) Q: A two-game winning streak is worthless at this point in time. First off, you have no business being competitive against the Rockets, and against the Mavs (who also want to be very bad) is a must-lose game. You complain about all Heat fans who are rooting for losses, but Id argue we are true diehard fans wanting whats best for the franchise. Sure, you want the young guys to grow and develop, but they had been doing that just fine playing competitive but losing every game late. However, on the bright side, nights like Thursday sell what kind of player Goran Dragic can be to another team. -- Taylor, Christiansburg, Va. A: I guess your ultimate ending therefore would have been when Rodney McGruder defended Harrison Barnes 3-pointer at the buzzer on Thursday night is that he should have made sure he fouled, since it was a four-point game (I spoke to Rodney afterward and he acknowledged he was admonished for defending on a play when the best defense was no defense.) Q: So, despite the fact that Markelle Fultz is being labeled as the best prospect at point guard to come out of a draft class since Kyrie Irving, despite the fact that point guard will clearly be a need for Miami to address in the foreseeable future, considering the fact that Goran Dragic turns 31 in four months, and despite the fact that the Heat still owe the Suns two of their four upcoming first-round draft picks, between 2018 and 2021, essentially leaving us with little to no error in terms of selecting a prospect in this years draft. we suddenly are just going to start winning Just in time to barely miss the playoffs while simultaneously falling out of the lottery Top 10 Yeah, Im just going to assume that this is a Pat Riley plan for bringing up the stock of Goran Dragic and other movable pieces before the trade deadline. -- Jean, Miami. A: So, based on Thursdays mundane performance by Hassan Whiteside, I guess theyve not decided to showcase him, as well Yes, the Heat already have sent in their scorebooks for all games after Feb. 23 with Ls in them. Q: I dont get why people are upset that we won against the Rockets. Root for the team, and for growth. Securing the worst record doesnt guarantee the top spot in the lottery, anyway. The only part I didnt appreciate about the win is that, because it had been so long since they won, I forgot about the Papa Johns deal the next day. -- Matt, Boynton Beach. A: See. discounted pizza, thats why this winning ultimately makes too much sense to bypass. Q: Think Pat Riley is rethinking trading Goran Dragic No pick next year can do what Goran is doing. -- Goigi. A: Two things: First, who says Pat Riley has been thinking about trading Goran Second, next season hardly figures to be one of top-tier contention for the Heat, anyway, so its not as if the development of a lottery pick would set the process back. Beyond any of that, there still is plenty of math in play, with recouped cap space from Chris Bosh, to be able to add a top-tier free agent, select a lottery pick. and still retain Goran Dragic. The primary thought with Goran should be this: Will having Goran Dragic on the roster when the Heat are back in contention make the Heat significantly better He certainly looked like a keep Thursday night against the Mavericks. Q: Hi, Ira. The Celtics got outrebounded by 20 by the Knicks in Boston. Do you think the Celtics could use Hassan Whiteside Its not like Markelle Fultz or Lonzo Ball are going to step in right away and replace Isaiah Thomas. Hello Brooklyn pick and other assets. -- Rich, West Palm Beach. A: Except a draft pick is not a sure thing, not even one among the first three or four (as the Heat can attest to the last time they were in this position). While I have played along with the Whiteside discussion, its always been when a youthful, proven-perimeter talent has been mention, as with the C. J. McCollum discussion. Yes, Fultz could prove to be special, as could Ball or one of the other young, dynamic one-and-done lottery picks. But then consider the void the Heat had the middle after the departures of Shaquille ONeal and Alonzo Mourning, until Chris Bosh was spotted into the middle. Dynamic big men come around even less often than unproven lottery picks flourish. Thats why I could accept something more apples to apples when eying a lottery pick, at least knowing there could be a replacement in the pipeline for Goran Dragic with such a selection. Q: Do you think Dwyane Wade would have been a difference maker with us this season Honestly, I dont see the Heat being in the playoffs even with Dwyane Wade still here. -- Gunter, Berlin. A: That depends: Are we talking healthy, every-day Dwyane Wade Because with all the close losses, the question would have been whether Dwyane would have been available in those games Yes, if the Heat retained Dwyane, I believe they would, at worst, have been contending for a final playoff spot. But Im not sure a first-round matchup against the Cavaliers exactly moves your franchise forward. Q: Tuesday was a pointless win that gets us further from a rebuild. This does nothing for the future but make it worse -- Joel. Q: In the long run, I prefer the Ping-Pong balls. This was like the Dolphins winning meaningless games and losing out on Andrew Luck. -- B. D. Q: I would give up Tuesday night for the number-one draft ball. -- Marcelo. Q: I would still prefer Markelle Fultz over wins like this. -- Shad. Q: Whats fun about this We need as many Ls as possible to secure a Top 3 pick. Lonzo Ball would be fun, as would Josh Jackson -- Bai. A: Welcome to Heat 2016-17, when even pure joy has to be tempered. Yes, the NBA draft system favors those who improve their lottery odds. But there also has to be an allowance for pride, professionalism, productivity. And for nights like Tuesday against the Rockets. I can appreciate those Heat end-of-season games when they made losing the priority, like in Toronto and Philadelphia. But you cant be taking that approach in January. To do that is to say that every single player on your roster will be gone and that there is nothing to develop. If you are going to grade Heat players on their development, then you will have to excuse them if they actually grow enough to win a game here or there. Sorry you had to suffer through the Heat finishing a game with more points than the other team. Q: How will the injury exception for Justise Winslow help the Heat -- Damito. A: Likely not at all, since the 1.3 million allowance received is barely above the minimum, anyway, with it cheaper from a salary-cap standpoint to simply sign a player to the minimum (which also would allow for a multi-year deal). But it could help at the Feb. 23 trading deadline, potentially even leaving the Heat with a trade exception going forward. Q: Ira, of all the forwards on our D-League affiliate, Keith Benson holds the most interest to me, more than Okaro White. I like what I saw of him in the preseason, and what hes done so far at Sioux Falls this season. -- Matt. A: But Keith is more of a center, or at least power player, than Okaro, and the Heat are set in the middle with Hassan Whiteside and Willie Reed. Im not sure that Okaro is going to get a chance to play, anyway. But I believe the Heats commitment was to first take care of White contractually, with an NBA 10-day contract paying more than a full-season contract in the D-League. Perhaps Benson or Briante Weber get the next call. Q: The talent pool is just too short to simply make a take-it-or-leave-it approach with James Johnson, just because the guy has to be paid more. The Heat gave him a second life. Does he stay to say thank you Or now that he is a valuable commodity he can take more money andor play for a contender. -- Richard. A: When it comes to players who have been one thing most of their careers and then have a breakout season with a team at the bottom of the standings, I think opposing general managers take pause, as might the Heat front office. What Ive stressed is that while I dont believe James Johnson will receive a break-the-bank offer in free agency, I do believe he has positioned himself at least close to the new 8 million mid-level exception. And Im just not sure that a team looking to maximize cap space can set such an amount aside (which the Heat have never done before when utilizing major cap space). Beyond that, while Johnson complements the second unit with what the Heat currently are working with, it is safe to say that there could be an entirely new chemistry next season. So, as Ive said, if Johnson is willing to meet the Heat halfway, it could be a more workable situation, perhaps taking longer years for lesser annual salary. But you are correct that moving back into a winning situation, such as where Johnson stood last season with the Raptors, could prove the most tempting after enduring this type of season. James Johnson has proven to be a terrific one-year rental for the Heat. We will see soon enough if it only was meant to be a fling. Q: Heres how I see it, Ira: Hassan Whiteside is good and can be the third-best player on a championship team, but not the best player. He is not a leader. He is not consistent enough. I know the hope is he can become more and be that cornerstone, but I feel that he is much better suited to be utilized as a trade asset. -- Connor, Wyoming. A: Whoa. There is a pretty wide berth in the NBA between being a leading man and being trade fodder. Hassan received his contract from the Heat because of his unique skill set. And sometimes you pay a premium for such a unique skill set. But just because he cant be a leading man in a perimeter-based league (and when you look back at it with the Heat, was Alonzo Mourning the leading man when Tim Hardaway was in place, or Shaquille ONeal when Dwyane Wade was alongside), it doesnt mean he cant be a franchise cornerstone. What the Warriors, Cavaliers and Spurs have shown is that you need multiple leading men. Hassan can be that. What this season compared to previous seasons has demonstrated is that Whiteside is best when surrounded by talent. With 40 million in potential cap space this summer (as well as a lottery pick), the Heat will have the resources needed to surround Hassan with the required support system. Even Tuesdays victory over Houston showed how much more efficient Whiteside can be when others are working well around him. Being a part of success should be Whitesides ultimate goal, and the Heats ultimate goal for him. Q: It is very likely the 2017-18 Heat will look very similar to what were seeing now, and well just have to hope some of our young guys blossom into stars. -- Kevin, Pa. A: Actually, there is one aspect that is different: the Heats 2018 first-round pick is only protected through the first seven selections, so there wont be nearly the same level of draft certainly a year from now. It is among the reasons the Heat may attempt to fast-track things. The ultimate failure next season would be to wind up with the No.8 pick, have to send that to the Suns, and then wind up nowhere in the standings and with nothing from the draft. Based on the Heats draft position going forward, an argument could be made that if the Heats turnaround is not rapid, it might not be at all. Q: Ira, unless Im wrong, the Heat again will roll Dion Waiters out with the starters Tuesday night. And he again will not be bashful about shooting. Youve written about developing Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson (when he was healthy), so how does this help -- Vic. A: I have been open to Dions possibilities since he arrived at the most reasonable of price points in the offseason. And he offered the Heat needed scoring before he went down with his groin injury. But I am beginning to wonder if the play at the moment by the Heat might not be trying to build up Dions value by the Feb. 23 trading deadline in order to get something in return, likely in the form of a draft pick. When Waiters is at the top of his game, he is a player who can help a playoff team, as he did with the Thunder last season. If that is the logic at the moment, I would consider it sound. As it is, with Richardson and Justise Winslow out, its not as if Dion is getting in the way of player development. And while Wayne Ellingtons shooting might be of greater benefit in spacing the floor for Hassan Whiteside, its not as if Ellington has long-term prospects with the Heat, either. Q: Okaro White intrigues me with his size. Do you see him potentially finding a place on the team moving forward, or is he more of a stop-gap solution amidst all of the current injuries -- Doug, Cincinnati. A: I have no idea, because for all of Okaros D-League success, its not as if he has been doing it against NBA competition. The only way to make a legitimate judgment is to get him on the floor during this impending tryout. As with Waiters, its not as if Derrick Williams or Luke Babbitt are part of the Heats future, so why not spot White as often as possible as soon as he gets up to speed Q: Hey Ira, I like Justise Winslow, but Pat Riley should have drafted Devin Booker. That kid is tearing it up right now and is on fire. Thoughts -- Guillermo, Biloxi, Miss. A: First, never draft backward. What happened, happened. And there is not a single draft that you cant restructure the lottery to a more sensible conclusion. But, again, when Justise Winslow was drafted, the Heat had a healthy Chris Bosh and an all-in Dwyane Wade. A rebounding, facilitating, defending wing certainly made sense at that time with that No. 10 pick in 2015. If the Heat knew that Bosh would be out and Wade would be gone, then, yes, Booker should have been the pick, both at the moment in hindsight. But you dont draft in hindsight. Q: Are the Heat really looking into sending Goran Dragic to the Magic -- Yung. A: First, this all started with reports of Magic interest in Goran, not about the Heat soliciting interest from the Magic. But this, again, is where timing becomes the issue. While the Magics lottery pick would be the likely centerpiece in a trade, Orlando remains within contention of making the playoffs, and certainly would have no incentive to tank once such a pick is dealt. The last thing you would want is to trade into the lottery and then not wind up in the lottery, instead selecting at No. 15 or No. 16. Goran Dragic stands worth way too much to the Heat to be dealt for a pick into the middle of the first round. When it comes to dealing for potential lottery picks, you have to make sure theyre actually in the lottery. In this case, patience equals prudence. Q: The Heat should try to trade Derrick Williams while he still has some value. Its useless to pay him nearly 5 million to sit on the bench every night. -- Doug. A: I believe its safe to say there is little to no market for Derrick at the moment, and likely nothing close in free agency next summer to what he received last summer from the Heat, with his one-year, 4.6 million contract. If teams call the Heat about expiring contracts, James Johnson and Wayne Ellington are far more likely to be the ones to create interest. And, again, if a quality draft pick can be secured, it would behoove the Heat to consider such overtures, unless James Johnson makes it known he would be willing to re-sign on the Heats budget. Q: Ira, I have a retort for Masoud from Tucson. Micky Arison, Pat Riley amp Co. will come out this JuneJuly looking like the usual geniuses. After we secure Lonzo Ball or at minimum Josh Jackson, we will only retain (if reasonably priced) James Johnson from our roster. Erik Spoelstra will then move Goran Dragic to shooting guard to give the main offensive responsibilities to Lonzo. Once we secure the most exciting player in this years draft, the implosion of the Clippers will have an effect on Blake Griffin. We are the most logical landing spot for him in the East. Yes he has to come East. Boston or Toronto dont have enough money compared to us. After the Griffin signing look for Pat to get a player like Rudy Gay for small forward. Our Biscayne Babies will be best coming off the bench. Those assets will also be the best selling point to Blake. Our bench anchored by James Johnson amp Tyler Johnson, Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson and one additional role player, maybe Willie Reed will turn what you deem pathetic into a top 2 contender instantly in East. Also towards March of 2018, Dwyane Wade will be bought out and will return to the Heat for a final Eastern Conference championship push against the Cavs. -- Marcus, Washington. A: OK, works for me. But to land Ball, you likely will have to wind up with one of the first three spots in the draft, which will have as much to do with lottery luck as placement in the standings. And Im not sure with the new maximum contracts that you can have enough remaining cap space for a free agent of any pedigree if you sign someone like Griffin and also choose to retain Dragic. In addition, that certainly will be nice of the Bulls to offer such a buyout. When it comes to actual realities, dont forget the trade market, which could have a significant place in any Heat makeover. And do have patience, because going from 25 wins to something playoff worthy doesnt necessarily happen overnight. Q: Hi, Ira. Im actually somewhat nervous about the Heat potentially having so much cap space. In a market where demand exceeds supply, dont you feel the potential to overpay for players is a concern Lets not forget, this is no longer the Big 3 Era, when players were willing to take a discount to come to Miami. -- Richard, West Palm Beach. A: Rule No. 1 in free-agency club is you overpay. Rule No. 2 in free-agency club is you never talk about Rule No. 1. With so much cap space available, with an NBA salary cap soon to soar to 120 million, there is little need for anyone to take a discount, which is among the first things LeBron James said when he was preparing for his move back to the Cavaliers. About the only money to be left on the table will be with players who change teams and give up higher raises they could receive, since the final years of such deals tend to be player options, anyway. And dont kid yourself, the Heat overpaid when it came to Hassan Whiteside last summer, because thats what cap space forces you to do in free agency. But dont forget, cap space also can be utilized on the trade-market, where there is cost certainty when it comes to contracts. I think many are overlooking that possibility with the Heats impending cap space. Long before Pat Riley was tossing rings in front of free agents, he was cooking up winning deals on the trade market. Q: Why the assumption in many questions that multiple lottery picks are the answer to a rapid Heat resurgence The Lakers, Wolves, and 76ers show that one-and-done players mean talent but hardly meant instant victories. The lottery process seems contrary to Pat Rileys past, present, and the patience of Heat fans. -- Ed, Miami. A: Im not sure anything is quotinstantquot anymore in the NBA, but you are asking me if I would trade the Heats entire roster and draft situation for that of the 76ers or the Timberwolves, I would do it in a heartbeat. Those two teams should be set for years to come, either when it comes together with their young players, or the ability to utilize their younger players as assets. Q: Mr. Ira Winderman, go ahead and keep on supporting this pathetic team. I write to you and present legit and good questions, but you answer two out of three questions from Douglas. This is a horrible team and you never get to the basics and just support this pathetic team. Well, you have to make a living. Why dont you post my correct and legit questions, instead of answering these stupid questions by these people like Douglas I will never write to you and will never root for this team, again, ever again. I go another way and good luck to you and the worst team in this league, called the Miami Heat. I am so sorry for you, for doing this. Very sorry. -- Masoud, Tucson. A: Well, now you did it, got Douglas good and angry. Speed. Wert. Ausführung. Daten um 15 Minuten verzögert Top 5 Listen sind keine Empfehlung von ETRADE Securities oder seinen verbundenen Unternehmen, Sicherheit, Finanzprodukt oder Instrument zu kaufen, zu verkaufen oder zu halten, noch ist es eine Bestätigung für bestimmte Sicherheit, Unternehmen, Fondsfamilie, Produkt oder Dienstleistung . Auswahlkriterien: Bestände aus dem Dow Jones Industrial Average, die vor kurzem die höchsten Dividenden als Prozentsatz ihres Aktienkurses bezahlt haben. Dividendenrendite ist ein Verhältnis, das zeigt, wie viel ein Unternehmen in Dividenden pro Jahr im Verhältnis zu seinem Aktienkurs zahlt. Es ist ein Weg zu messen, wie viel Einkommen Sie für jeden Dollar in eine Lagerposition investiert bekommen. Dividendenrenditen stellen eine Vorstellung von der Bardividende dar, die von einer Investition in eine Aktie erwartet wird. Dividendenrenditen können sich täglich ändern, da sie auf den vorangegangenen Tagen nach dem Börsenkurs basieren. 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ETRADE Copyright PolicyWhat Is a Roth IRA A Roth IRA is a special retirement account where you pay taxes on money going into your account and then all future withdrawals are tax free. Mehr. Why would I want a Roth IRA Roth IRAs are best when you think your taxes will be higher in retirement than they are right now. They can be especially good for young savers or in years when you dont have much other income. Mehr. Who qualifies for a Roth IRA You cant contribute to a Roth IRA if you make too much money. For singles, this starts at 118,000. For married couples, it is 184,000. Mehr. How much can I contribute Generally 5,500 a year unless you are over 50 in which case it goes up to 6,500. Mehr. Where should I open a Roth IRA Almost all brokerage rms will offer a Roth IRA. You should consider a brokerage like Fidelity or ETrade that offer low-cost funds. Lifecycle funds that automatically rebalance and adjust over time are especially good for Roth IRAs. Mehr. Experts Answer Matthew Malone Matthew Malone is an editorial consultant and a contributing writer to CBS SmartPlanet. He was formerly a staff reporter at the now-defunct business magazine, Conde Nast Portfolio. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Smartmoney, Fortune, Forbes, and other publications. In 2007, he was an investigative business journalism fellow at Columbia Universitys Graduate School of Journalism. He has two degrees from the school, and graduated from Connecticut College with a degree in economics. I contributed approximately 12k from 2002 through 2012 with after-tax money. Can. I contribute 10,000 to a 401K at work. Can I also contribute to a Roth IRA I am about to enter college in the fall of 2013. With financial aid and scholars. More. Can I buy a rental property with funds from my Roth IRA I am 63. If I close out my Roth IRA is it considered taxable income So if I put 5500 in my Roth IRA in February, can I contribute another 5500 in. Is money transferred from Traditional IRA to Roth IRA considered earned income i. Is it required to withdraw funds from a Roth IRA when one reaches 71 I had a regular IRA that I rolled into an Roth, and paid the taxes on it. Since. If I start a Roth IRA but then I start making more money than the income limit. I am 62 years old and have had my Roth IRA account for around 15 years. I am loo. Can you have a Traditional and a Roth IRA Can I start a Roth IRA for my new grandson More. What8217s the penalty rate for withdrawing from a Roth before age 59.5 I opened a Roth IRA in 2009 with 5,000. This year, at the age 26, I have to wit. I contributed approximately 12k from 2002 through 2012 with after-tax money. Can. I am currently working with an investment company to open a Roth IRA. The funds. I am about to enter college in the fall of 2013. With financial aid and scholars. I understand Roth contributions are not taxed when withdrawn, but what about the. I turn 53 this month and have no other retirement fund other than a traditional. I am turning 53 years of age How much should you save a month I am eligible to open a roth ira More.

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